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Everything posted by swampokie

  1. swampokie

    WTB Savage Axis Bolt Handle Upgrade

    I had axis in 22-250 243 6.5 and 223. All with cycle problems because of the long action short action crap. Good shooters but u may only have one shot
  2. swampokie

    12ga SxS T. Barker

    Bull can blackjack and a pooper scooper and a classic scatter gun. Sweet
  3. swampokie

    Ruger 7mm

    Pm sent
  4. swampokie

    Remington model 710 270win with Simmons 3-9x50

    I’ll take if ull ship
  5. swampokie

    Remington model 799 22-250 Sold

    Seconds if it falls thru
  6. swampokie

    30 30 ammo

    I’ll take the corelokt if not sold
  7. swampokie


    I’ll take if we can work it out. Pm sent
  8. swampokie

    WTB Winchester 94

    Should be able to find one a heck of a lot quicker than ammo for it. And a heck of a lot cheaper.
  9. swampokie

    Gear liquidation #1

    When did u fellers get a post office in the desert???????????? dang...Who woulda thought?
  10. swampokie

    Remington 700ADL (1962) 30-06 $350 -SOLD

    I would almost move to n phoenix to buy ur rifle
  11. swampokie

    Remington 700 adl nib 223

  12. swampokie

    Remington 700 adl nib 223

    I have a brand new in box 700 adl with 4-12 ao bushnell also new for sale. 450$ shipped. 223 cal.
  13. swampokie

    Kowa 3-9x42

    Have a near mint kowa 3-9x42 riflescope first sale. Post reticle and Florite glass. 350$ shipped or trade for silver leupold.
  14. swampokie

    Garmin oregon 600

    Have a like new garmin oregon 600 gps for sale. 135$ shipped.
  15. swampokie

    Garmin oregon 600

    I have a gently used garmin oregon gps. Like new condition. 150$ shipped.
  16. swampokie


    My first one was a norinco and I gave 80$ in 1995.
  17. swampokie

    WTB Weatherby 257 mag Brass

    I have 50 pieces of once fired weatherby brass. Pm if interested.
  18. swampokie

    WTB Weatherby 257 mag Brass

    I think I have some. Not sure how many. I’ll check
  19. swampokie

    Win 94(SOLD)

    Thanks for the response
  20. swampokie

    Leupold vx3i

    Have a matte 1in duplex non cds 4.5-14x40 vx3i scope. Like new 2018 model. 400$ shipped
  21. swampokie

    WTB Leupold 4.5-14 vari-x 3i scope.

    I have one in great shape duplex matte that I’ll sell for 400$