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Everything posted by AZ513

  1. AZ513

    Mule In The City

    Anyone ever see something like this? There’s a mule deer that is inside of a somewhat rural facility in Peoria / Sun City. It’s been in there for at least a month, I’m thinking more like 2. It’’s still looking healthy and I called game and fish and they said they’ve had 3 calls like this over the years and told me that the deer that get into there can get out. Kind of a strange situation and just curious if anyone has seen something like this before. He usually always comes out in the same area when my truck rolls by, checks it out and then runs off. IMG_1027.MOV
  2. AZ513

    Mule In The City

    I'd be lying if I hadn't thought of ways to try and get in there and get it out without leaving evidence.
  3. AZ513

    Mule In The City

    In some spots its a double chain fence with barbed wire on it then in other spots its a brick wall.
  4. AZ513

    Mule In The City

    Super strange. Good to know they're doing alright then lol
  5. AZ513

    Mule In The City

    From what I've seen there is for sure water in there but i'm not sure what they're eating. I'm assuming they just are hoping the fences and getting in. Not sure what brought them (him) in the first place.
  6. AZ513

    Mule In The City

    Hmm that’s weird.. here’s a screen shot of the video
  7. AZ513

    2nd year!!!

    That snow storm was no joke last year. Crazy to see the difference in the two years. Well done on getting on them back to back years.
  8. AZ513

    143 eldx

    Good to hear. My 6.5 loves this round but I've never used it on elk before and was wondering if I should have any hesitation. It's a fast moving round and I'm sure with good shot placement it would do the job.
  9. AZ513

    143 eldx

    Has anyone used this round in 6.5 for bigger game, like elk?
  10. AZ513

    Elk and Water

    Its tough to say how far away they actually are because "our" far is nothing compared to their far. They can cover ground like it's nothing. I'd imagine though they're probably not far from where you're scouting if you've seen them in the past in those locations. Are you scouting near water sources?
  11. AZ513

    Elk and Water

    With how dry its been, water is pretty important for them and typically they don't travel / bed far from their water source. Ideally catch them at first light and dusk traveling to / from water and bedded down in shade in the afternoons. What unit is your hunt in?
  12. AZ513

    AND...The Winner is....

    It's hard to tell if his leg was broken before or after he made it to the river. Wonder if he was trying to use the river as a escape out if it was broken before. Either way, not the ideal way to go out.
  13. AZ513

    NL pure 12x42's

    Gotcha, I'm trying to find where I read it but I'm not having any luck. I think it was a Swarovski warranty issue since the NL Pure's were new. but.. I too heard that they are legit and the field of view on them is awesome.
  14. AZ513

    NL pure 12x42's

    Are those studs under swarovski warranty? I thought I read something that they could potentially void the warranty SWAROVSKIS
  15. AZ513


    I know this is a long shot but if you’re on the ranch in unit 10 and want to help yank me out, my truck is currently stuck. It would be greatly appreciated My phone number is 602-291-2422 Coordinates of my location are.. 35.46520, -112.81427
  16. AZ513

    7W Late Bull hunts

    Bring chains or some recovery gear just in case. It can dump snow up there and better to be over prepared, I know from first hand experience. Good luck to ya, I'd say a .270 is plenty for a well placed shot @ 300 ish yards.
  17. AZ513

    First Elk Hunt! (Unit 10)

    Congrats on the tag. That late archery can be a tough hunt especially if its dry and you can't sit water if you're hunting on the bo. I'd recommend paying the fee's and hunting there so you have the entire unit to hunt. I remember last year I was scouting for my hunt while the late archery was going on and it was as dry as a bone out there so it made it hard to walk the county without being heard. Talked to hunters out there on that hunt and they weren't having luck either. On top of it being dry it was a full moon so they could bed during the day and move at night. Not trying to discourage you just letting you know how tough it can be but it's not impossible. I'd scout on both public and private. However you cant start scouting the ranch until August I believe? Make sure you have Onx maps before you go and use it while scouting to mark where you have been and make notes. If it were my tag I wouldn't pass over a 270- 300" bull but that's just me. Best of luck of to ya, hope you get it done!
  18. AZ513

    Fantasy Baseball

    I know, I did it on purpose. If anyone is interested they can just shoot me a message or reply to the forum and I'll send them a message
  19. AZ513

    Fantasy Baseball

    Wasn't real sure where to post but I have a fantasy baseball league and we have 3 open slots. If anyone is interested let me know, prefer people who tend to keep up with it and play most of the season.
  20. AZ513

    Credit Card Hit

    What bank do you have? This gives me a sliver of hope lol
  21. Did you end up getting a tag?
  22. AZ513

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    If your dad or youngest son don't get drawn they would just get a point still, yeah?
  23. AZ513

    7E Late Season Bull Elk Hunting

    Ahh gotcha makes sense.
  24. AZ513

    7E Late Season Bull Elk Hunting

    Is there a reason why in 30 years you've never put in for 7E? Do you have a preferred unit?
  25. AZ513

    Apps on Portal

    Yeah it just takes some time. My elk app didn't show up until about 1-2 days later