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About AZ513

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    North Phoenix

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  1. AZ513

    And the Card hits will begin

    Just found out a family member got drawn for either early rifle or archery for unit 10 with only one point. I can’t believe it.
  2. AZ513

    Credit Card hit thread

    My dad drew the unit 1 coon canyon antlerless elk, I think he put in for that by accident... I think he'll be using his point guard.
  3. AZ513

    Credit Card hit thread

    It should show what the hunt # is now if you click on the details
  4. AZ513

    Lost Dogs - FOUND!

    I'm not sure if you know of anyone with one or could hire someone to but maybe get a drone out there to fly the area and see if they can spot them
  5. AZ513

    2007 Yamaha Grizzly

    3438 Miles and 599 Hours
  6. AZ513

    2007 Yamaha Grizzly

    Sharing this post on the behalf of my grandfather. ATV is located in Parks, AZ if anyone is interested. 2007 Yamaha Grizzly in excellent condition. Power steering, fuel injection, no damage only a small number of trail marks. Licensed for highway. This is one of the best and easiest all around quad you can own. It’s soft ride and on demand 4x4 with plenty of room and power will make you enjoy your ride $6,450 https://flagstaff.craigslist.org/snw/d/parks-2007-yamaha-grizzly-700/7635220665.html
  7. AZ513

    Scout Trip

    Very nice! Looks like it was up in 10 as well?
  8. AZ513

    Scout Trip

    I posted the videos from my phone so not sure if they’re going to load properly
  9. AZ513

    Scout Trip

    Was up in unit 10 this week scouting for my upcoming cow hunt on Oct 14th. Wasn’t able to locate the amount of cows like I was hoping for. However we did get into some fun rut action one of the days. Conditions were perfect and they were going insane. FullSizeRender.MOV IMG_2438.MOV FullSizeRender.mov
  10. AZ513

    Stupid hunter

    What the xxxx..
  11. AZ513


    I know it's past but I'm just seeing this and if it got pushed back later tonight and you still need someone I can join
  12. AZ513

    The moisture creeps in.

    Was up in Happy Jack this weekend and we had intermittent rain pop up on Friday afternoon. Hopefully it kicks off sooner rather then later.
  13. AZ513

    Draw Results

    That's where I'll be headed is the Bo. It doesn't open back until August but I'll be making a trip or two up there to scout before hand.
  14. AZ513

    Draw Results

    Best of luck!
  15. AZ513

    Draw Results

    Unit 10 October cow hunt. Didn't have that many points and needed to restock the freezer 👍