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Everything posted by tucrats

  1. tucrats

    Two Coues Bucks

    That just keeps my heart racing! Thanks!
  2. tucrats

    az guide license

    WOW!!! Thats not right! What's next? 25-06 said it all, it's becoming a rich man's sport which really sucks for me! I am surely not rich and I have only just started to hunt in the last three years!
  3. tucrats

    Nov. 36A buck

    Excellent opening day buck! Congrats! Jim
  4. Just printed the app, will have to send it in...Thanks for the Info!
  5. tucrats


    Could the POSSIBLE increase in Mountain Lion Population have anything to do with us moving in on their TURF. Contractors are buying as much land as possible anywhere they came and are Building houses like crazy! For example, when you drive up either the Catalina Moutains or Any mountain range NOW has a house (or two) right at the base! I believe technology has played a fator in BEING able to see more, But how much of an ipact do we have with the second fastest growing state in the Nation? Have they always been there but now we can see them or have we pushed these cats into a tighter group which means you may get Packs? Or Possibly it's a combination of both or something else, water, food, territory...etc. I am only a novice, however I personally saw a Mountain Lion Myself within the last six months in a neighborhood in unit 34b, I have also seen fresh tracks, scat and remains of kills. All of this jibberish is only my OPINION. As with most everbody else unless we have Hard Facts.
  6. tucrats

    Nice Coues buck

    That's a total shame! I would probably contact Game and Fish, and hopfully they would allow me to keep the rack. Just a shame though!
  7. Yesturday my daughter said that the pricipal said over the loud speaker "For all the kids walking home, you need to start walking in larger groups! There has been a Moutain Lion in the neighborhood." Well the wife and I did not really think she heard the message over the loud speaker correctly. Our daughter is only nine, however very smart but still to busy to really pay any close attention to the message. I called all the guys in the neghborhood ( all avid hunters) to let them hear about the news I just received. We all first thought "BOBCAT", however no info to follow. Today 25-06 told a mutual friend and father whos kid's go to the same school, and well let's just say the ball just started to roll! Game and Fish had no idea, nor the news. Trucks, camera's, and the usual b.s. were there. The school said that they all ready sent home notices, but did not, they told the kids that a notice would go out tomorrow (today). Still NO Notes! Last night a friend said He saw a bobcat in the sme area. A gentleman talking to the news lady tonigtht SWORE he saw a mountain lion! Who knows? Still waiting to hear more! Just for everyones info, I livein a VERY HEAVILY populated area on the east side of Tucson. Very unlikly it was a mountain lion, but not if it were a bobcat! Jim
  8. Where is the 0 (ZERO) Box?! That's the only one I can check!
  9. tucrats

    Tom Turkey Picture- bowhunting

    Darn the luck! Seems to happen all the time everywhere! Maybe next year!
  10. tucrats

    Cat /Lion Sighting Tucson

    Avion, Sure is, the OK Corral is. I am a Tucson Native. Been here since 1971! Sure do remember all the open area's that are'nt around any more. We keep growing so fast, it's no wonder the wildlife is moving in, we are moving into their homes! Growth can be good but it can also be bad.
  11. tucrats

    Cat /Lion Sighting Tucson

    I live right at Kenyon and Sarnoff. For those who do not know, the school is on Sarnoff just south of Broadway and North of 22nd st. The bobcat was seen at Sarnoff and Pantano ( right next to 25-06 house) where sarnoff ends at Pantano Wash. I am sure we may see more suv's patroling the neighborhood!
  12. tucrats

    How do you like your....

    Boy!!! I thought I was the only one to BAG one (actually 3) of those!!
  13. tucrats

    outdoor channel

    Are there any REAL LIFE videos out there on Coues Hunts? Sure would like to watch a real video on our deer and real life hunts! Thanks Jimmy
  14. tucrats

    Young and Dumb

    Still stalking my first! Nice one though.
  15. tucrats


    My hunt ws in 34b and we came across cat track at least once a day in different areas. Now for someone killing and just leaving a lion is just wrong! Buy your tag BEFORE you hunt so if this happens, there will not be any problems or question to answer to later.
  16. tucrats

    Pics of a true rifleman..

    Glad everyone is alright!
  17. tucrats

    Last Day Coues

    Beautiful.............Beautiful buck. Congrats!
  18. tucrats

    36C November Hunt

    Great job, my son wants to start next year, sure would be nice to have a simmilar photo next year!!
  19. tucrats

    decent bucks for 06

    Those are great! Bigger than most of what we seen this year in 34 b
  20. tucrats


    I hear Sands Ranch is offering bounties on Lions! The cats have taken down several cattle and a Colt!
  21. tucrats

    2006 Buck

    Very Nice!
  22. tucrats

    Doe with antlers

    Would that make it a Hermaphor-Doe? jk