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Everything posted by tucrats

  1. tucrats

    It's true they are up!!!

    That's what the bow is for!
  2. tucrats

    IDIOT Sighting

    hahahahahahahahahaha My gut still hurts from laughing. nice surge pertector! Well at least it won't hurt anything!
  3. tucrats

    Draw Results Available Online

    YeeeeHaaaaaaaaa! Congrats to all! Looks like a great year ahead of us all! 34b nov. Im going back for the MONSTER from last year I shot at!!!
  4. tucrats

    Home made chopper

  5. tucrats

    new pics

    That just gets my heart going! Looks good!
  6. tucrats

    What do you do for this guy?

    To bad, however that is true, it really is survival of the fittest!
  7. "Again I hope someone steps forward and turns the punk(s) in that did this. Unreal. cmc" ditto I totally agree.
  8. Why would they want to recruit more when during the last vote the "general public" vote to sell off over 9,000,000 acres of state trust land that has been set aside since 1917. The vote said that it would be sold to the highest bidder and could do whatever they wanted with it. If there was a decline in hunting and fishing, then how come we still have a draw process or bonus point. Sure hunting only went down 4 percent and fishing went down 10 percent, however I gaurantee there are a heck of a lot of unlicensed fishermen and hunters that we dont know about.
  9. Here is another attempt to drag more americans into this war. I feel for all the soldiers families who have to live in fear they may never see each other again. Now they want our border patrol agents as well? They still haven't solved our own border problem. Now they are going to take more off our own border, bribe them with money to train another country how to do something we are still trying to improve. SAD
  10. tucrats

    Camera thieves SUCK!

    "The only thing worse than a liar, is thief, and all thieves ARE liars!" A qoute from my faher from my first years until now! Sucks about the lose, but a second with a trap sounds nice!
  11. tucrats

    Happy Independence Day

    Well said! Amen
  12. WOW WOW That's is simple incredible!
  13. Sorry to hear about your loss. After that many years, it is DEFINATELY like losing a family member! All our best to you and yours! jimmya
  14. tucrats

    Hot Out There

    What's all that white stuff????????? Down here in Tucson we don't see that kind of stuff, only in the magazines! haha
  15. tucrats

    Just a Funny

    That's Great, at least he has a great sense of humor!
  16. Thank You for passing that video on! Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's to Everyone! God Bless from the Alexander family!
  17. tucrats


    Got my heart pounding! Happy Holidays! jimmy
  18. tucrats

    Let it snow,let it snow, let it snow

    Looks like you had a lot of fun getting it out! That is to funny. The only time I have seen snow like that was in Pinetop! Sure love to play in it, but can't stand being cold ALL THE TIME! Happy Holidays! Jimmy
  19. tucrats

    Howdy Ya'll

    Welcome, and Yes that is a great buck! Glad to hear you and your father harvested together! Those kind of memories no one can ever take from you!
  20. tucrats

    Whet stones

    Just finished a nov. hunt in 34 b. My buddy bagged a 95 3/4 coues. We saw a few others that score over 100! Saw a couple spikes as well. A lot of mulies down low! Just go get em! Good luck!
  21. tucrats

    Here ya go (pic's)

    GREAT animals! Congrat's!!
  22. I received this article in my e-mail as well. I think is great that they are getting tougher on these guy's! Maybe if it is brought out in the main stream media, People will finally get it!
  23. tucrats

    Treestandman - Accident!

    Get well soon and thank god for it could have been worse! Jim
  24. tucrats

    bull frog mates with WT.

    I am going to have nightmares now! Harmless or not...WOW HOLY COW!