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Everything posted by dds

  1. I use the Blazer as well with my Whisker Biscuit. No problems.
  2. coues7, Do you have any cameras left? And, do you have a picture of the final product? Thanks,
  3. I drew a 33 October Coues tag.
  4. 111, These are unit 1 bulls.
  5. Hey All, Some pictures for you to enjoy. http://drchoate.com/images/trailcam/ dds
  6. J-Rod, That looks like an awesome buck. Too bad you didn't quite get him all in there. Nice picture though. Your camera takes high-quality pictures. dds
  7. Mike, http://www.drchoate.com/images/trailcam/track.jpg You can keep the chart, you may need it if you hope to ever harvest a lion! BTW, I bought a new Remington 700 300 WIN Mag, and a new Remington 700 in 270. Later, dds
  8. Hunterdude, I am using the new Bushnell 2.1 MP. As I am still learning how to use it these pictures have not turned out great. I believe that I had the camera on a night setting accidently. I hope that I have remedied the situation. 25-06, Yes, it appears that this doe had something happen to her. I saw a lion track in the area perhaps... Thanks, dds
  9. Well, I went back out, but only got a few shots of does. http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~drc2/images/coues_003.jpg http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~drc2/images/coues_005.jpg Enjoy, dds PS - Disregard the date on the photos. I forgot to set my camera up correctly.
  10. Yes, they are cropped. I am headed back out tomorrow to check the camera again. I'll post some more, if I get any good pictures. Thanks, dds
  11. dds

    Reflex Made By Hoyt

    Kaffer62, I just purchased a Reflex Buckskin this past summer. I love it! I am shooting a 28 in draw at 70 lbs with an Easton Axis at ~265 fps. I like that it is moderately priced and is a great bow. Darren
  12. dds

    OTC Tags

    Coues Addict, I too will hunt in NM next year. I will hunt in unit 23. I grew up in the White Mts. of AZ, so I know this area a little. If you would like, send me an e-mail at drc@drchoate.com.