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Everything posted by dds

  1. dds

    .270 WIn Bullet Grain?

    Jeepers, Not necessarily. There area bunch of factors, ballistic coefficient of the bullet, amount of powder pushing the bullet just to name a few. Plus the wrong combination of lightweight bullet and high speeds can cause problems as well. I shoot the .270 for Coues. I prefer the 140 grain, and I am shooting Federal factory ammo with the Accubond and I have had great success. When I started looking for bullets I looked for a bullet that I was comfortable with expansion wise, then got several boxes to see what shot the best. The best groups I got out of my Rem 700 was with the Accubond. Probably way more info than you wanted, hope it helps. I'm sure that there are some 130 and 150 combinations that work as well. Wait for some of the reloaders like RedRabbit and Firstcoues to give there opinion as well. I'm sure Lark has an opinion as well, but he proably wants you to shoot a 250 grain bullet and sneak within 50 yards (Sorry Lark, I had to say it).
  2. Just a reminder. The Flagstaff RMEF banquet is this Saturday, August 11, and we have a few tickets left. Where: Little America Time: 5:00 PM I know a few of us CW's will be there. For tickets call Tim Topell at 928-635-6776 Hope to see you there,
  3. dds

    Flagstaff RMEF Banquet

    Casey, We waited for you to leave...just kidding We will miss having you there.
  4. dds

    Help For A Member

    I talked to Josh today. You guys made him cry! http://www.nevorask.com/Stuff/redneck_wedding.JPG
  5. What kind of camera are you using? My Cuddeback will automatically format the card (compact flash) if it needs it. This would erase everything.
  6. dds

    Anyone Seeing or Hearing???

    Grong told me this bull just stubbed his toe. What do you think?
  7. dds

    firstcoueswas80 December Tag

    Casey, Sorry, wasn't sure on the exact number. Did I mention I drew a 6b/8 December Coues tag? Maybe we should make a side bet?
  8. dds

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    I will go with: Gross = 127 1/8 Net = 122 4/8 (if needed)
  9. dds

    firstcoueswas80 December Tag

    Casey, Sorry bud, I voted for everyday! In January please don't change your name to "thirdcoueswasaspikeeventhoughitoldeverybodyeverydayitwouldbe105" Congrats on the tag again! Hope you're having fun,
  10. I shot this photo today while scouting; thought I would share with everyone. http://drchoate.com/images/upload/az_moose.jpg Enjoy,
  11. Doug, I was just there to check the water level of the tank. I parked within 50 yards of the tank, walked up over the rim of the tank and saw the buck. I quickly ran back to the truck and got my camera, snuck back up and took the shots. Darren
  12. dds

    Bear Hunts

    One thing I was told when I called to discuss the overlapping of the archery deer and elk hunts was that they were trying to align same-weapon hunts. I can only assume that this might be part of that decision.
  13. There may be 2, this tree is just off of the rim, south of Hannagan Meadow.
  14. dds

    WTB - Youth Shotgun

    Muskrat, Rossi is making a new youth gun that is 20 guage, 22LR and 243. It should be a great all around for a child for a few years. http://www.rossiusa.com/products/product-d...gory=MATCHEDSET
  15. dds

    Just for CRB

    I found this antler last summer. CRB requested that I post some picts.
  16. dds

    Just for CRB

    Geez Grong, just steal my thunder why don't you!
  17. dds

    Just for CRB

    I have been and will continue to look.
  18. dtb17, Congrats! Hopefully you will get a paycheck; I would probably get an invoice from all the stuff I bought during work.
  19. Casey, Just come over and see for yourself.
  20. dds

    Can I borrow $5k please?

    Grong, You are an Antlerdog; what do you need another for?
  21. dds

    Hey Grong

    Josh, You had me for awhile, but I knew that shirt really was orange!
  22. dds

    Decent coues shed

    Josh, Are all your shirts orange or do you just wear the same one every day? LOL!
  23. dds

    Whats In A Name

    When I was guiding quite a bit, and my hair was a little longer and feathered in the front, a guide whom I have known for a long time said I looked like the elf from the Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer movie. You know, the one that wants to be a-a-a-a Dentist. Since that time I have been the Dentist. The elf's name was "Hermey" and anything was better than that so I accepted the Dentist as my nickname. I use dds because it is short. Now I have confused some members here so I now have a disclaimer in my signature.
  24. How about DieselWolff?
  25. dds

    Question about forum picture!

    D-E-G, You can go to "My Controls" from the upper-right navigation set. Then choose "Edit Avatar Settings" on the left side. At that point you have several options, use one provided, use an image you have online, or upload a file. Just remember the avatar picture can't be bigger than 64 x 64 pixels and cannot exceed 20 KB. If you need help resizing an image let me know.