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Mad Mardigan

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About Mad Mardigan

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  1. Swarovski 10 x 42 EL Range Binoculars. Perfect glass, very minimal use.
  2. Selling my EL Range Binos. Used for a year, but near perfect condition. Never dropped, perfect lenses. Bought them 2 years ago, so these are not the ranging binos with tracking assist. Thanks for looking!
  3. Mad Mardigan

    Need 120-130 gr 7mm Bullets

    What barrel length are you guys getting these velocities with?
  4. Mad Mardigan

    Need 120-130 gr 7mm Bullets

    Sweet, I really appreciate it! I bounce between Mesa and Show Low regularly so just let me know what works for you. Thank you.
  5. Mad Mardigan

    Need 120-130 gr 7mm Bullets

    Yeah, pulled bullets would be cool with me. Thank you!
  6. Mad Mardigan

    Need 120-130 gr 7mm Bullets

    Yeah, I am getting great accuracy with the 120 Nosler BT at about 2750 fps right now. Sure we could get more speed out of it, but don't have a enough extra to mess with it too much right now. Thanks, yotebuster! I'll check out the Hammer Hunters
  7. Mad Mardigan

    Need 120-130 gr 7mm Bullets

    Hey Guys, on the hunt for some lighter 7mm bullets for my kids 7mm-08. Not getting great accuracy with anything above 130 grs with a Model Seven lightweight I setup for my kids. Got 2 daughters draw deer tags this year. Been reloading and trying a bunch of different bullets/powders, only thing that shoots good so far are some 120 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip Hunters. Only have about 20 bullets left, would love to find some more if any of you guys have some. Been searching on-line, no luck so far. Thanks!
  8. Mad Mardigan


    Worked out a good trade, thanks guys.
  9. Mad Mardigan


    I have an abundance of ARs and AR parts that I would consider trading for a decent bow. My main issue is that I have a 31.5" draw length, so that limits the options... If you have a bow that is set or can be set for 31.5" and would consider trading for some nice AR parts or full rifle. Hit me up. You can also text me at Four8Zero - Three23 - 9Five83 Thanks,