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About StinkyMeats

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  1. StinkyMeats


    all reg cases done, 2 first strike cases remain
  2. StinkyMeats


    9 cases of regular MRE's and 2 cases of First Strike MRE's. The first strike are significantly higher calorie, different menu's, and come 9 to a case instead of 12. More Info here if you are unfamiliar with these. These were not stored outside, brought out while doing some spring cleaning. 50 per case regular *all sold* 80 per case first strike. Northwest Tucson
  3. StinkyMeats


    All gone
  4. StinkyMeats


    MRE Case of 12. 12 cases available. Need to meet at sportsman's in Tucson either Wednesday night or Thursday during the day. $60 per case
  5. StinkyMeats

    WTB .44 Magnum Ammo

    Interested in any factory ammo, also looking for .41 magnum. Let me know what you have!
  6. StinkyMeats

    MREs Sales Post

    30 cases left. Might be a few messages lost in the inbox, just remind me if I haven’t gotten back to you. Tucson folks, wife is headed down there next week and I can send her with cases.
  7. StinkyMeats

    MREs Sales Post

  8. StinkyMeats

    Arizona Unit 5B N&S Nov 27-Dec5 2020

    Hopefully you were successful! Wife had a cow hunt there in October so I researched and scouted with the little time I had available. From my experience and from what I found online, there are historically larger bull taken out of the north side, but a larger elk population on the south. The south was very crowded so we opted to hunt the north side and we were successful the third day of her cow hunt. Saw 3 bulls in the small area we hunted (found water with fresh sign and a lot of the unit was dry), two of the bulls were decent, low 300s. Late hunt it am tough since they aren’t bugling!
  9. StinkyMeats

    MREs Sales Post

  10. StinkyMeats

    MREs Sales Post

    Picked up the MREs today. I’ve inspected every case and the orange sensors indicating proper storage are all good. Mostly 2017 and 2018 package dates with a few 2019 and 2020. Nothing older than 2017 so still a lot of shelf life left. Per the PM’s a lot more support at $50 per case so that is the price. Located in the surprise/Peoria area but we can meet in the middle if you’re further south.
  11. StinkyMeats


    I have the MRE’s in hand. Please message me if you have questions or want to pick up some cases
  12. StinkyMeats


  13. StinkyMeats


    Most are 2020 inspect with some 2019s and a couple 2018s. The orange circles indicating whether or not they have been stored correctly are all good.
  14. StinkyMeats


    I go with freeze dried meals when I can find deals on them but I still like to keep cases on hand just in case!
  15. StinkyMeats


    No sir, we moved from Yuma last year. I live in Surprise and work in the Deer Valley area now.