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Everything posted by AZBIG10

  1. AZBIG10

    How's the AZGFD E-Tag app?

    Why not just call it geo tag.
  2. AZBIG10

    How's the AZGFD E-Tag app?

    E tag but then you still tag it. Lol
  3. AZBIG10

    Population Mgmt hunts

    Any info on these hunts? Is it a Money grab? My interpretation is.. the dept wants to eliminate certain populations on an “as needed basis” it seems these offerings have expanded in the #of tags allotted
  4. AZBIG10

    In Search of .270 WSM Brass

    Happy to see this thread. 270wsm is an absolute hammer. Good luck with your search. I may have a few. I’m also in AJ
  5. AZBIG10

    Rut report.

    The rut is on. Just gotta get on em
  6. AZBIG10

    Hunting Regs

    Check out 6a
  7. AZBIG10

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    notification feature would mitigate this. Whenever a unit closes they send out mass comms with all units affected.
  8. AZBIG10

    2024 elk regs?

    700 archery tags on one hunt gadamm
  9. AZBIG10

    End of year thoughts?

    Small game and trash hunts. 2024
  10. AZBIG10

    So who went to Scheels today?

    Muzzleloader section is solid.
  11. AZBIG10

    Rut report.

  12. AZBIG10

    Rut report.

    Two rutting Coues w/ does Mean little buggers during the rut
  13. AZBIG10

    Rut report.

    Oof let’s goooo
  14. AZBIG10

    2023 success

    great rifle setups. Congrats. Reminded me I need to get on the silencer wagon
  15. AZBIG10


  16. AZBIG10


    Post Coords on CW make a sign up sheet.
  17. AZBIG10

    What is with all these spam posts?!

    Hi Amanda!
  18. AZBIG10

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    they need better communication for closures. Bear lion and deer.
  19. AZBIG10

    Rut report.

    Anyone rifle hunters in 23? Weather forecast looks promising . Csnt wait to get back up there
  20. AZBIG10


    Ill see myself out lol
  21. AZBIG10


    270wsm > 7mm PRC
  22. AZBIG10

    Buck ain't playin

    G&F decoy or no?
  23. AZBIG10

    A few recent outings

    Great shooting btw.
  24. AZBIG10

    A few recent outings

    Does this hurt the animal?