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Everything posted by AZBIG10

  1. AZBIG10

    Ted gets his shot

    On my birthday bruh( What gives? I’m a fun guy
  2. AZBIG10

    2020 pigs

    So 2 arrows a piece? 😜
  3. AZBIG10

    New Pack

    Is coues cape still avilable or not?
  4. AZBIG10

    When I see javelina.....

    These are good!
  5. AZBIG10

    Mexico 2020

    S E X Y
  6. AZBIG10


    You making bumper stickers?
  7. AZBIG10

    Montana lion

    Dang that is a large Tom
  8. AZBIG10


    I think the commonality of both of these bills are hunter success. Archery hunters sitting water are affective. I don’t buy the rancher bit. G&F needs revenue On a side note. Bucks will still come in after a quad drives a water tank. No reason to get worked up over. lastly, cattle will lay on a tank all dang day! Lazy bastards and I think this will hold up wildlife from watering.
  9. AZBIG10

    horses in elk unit

    Not sure about anyone else but I have seen big horn sheep by the salt river
  10. AZBIG10

    Big Coues Buck Hit! Need help....

    Watched a guy shoot 156yds at a muley. I about Threw up in my mouth
  11. AZBIG10

    Big Coues Buck Hit! Need help....

    In my camp we call that good blood. I’m sure he isn’t far.
  12. AZBIG10

    Big Coues Buck Hit! Need help....

    Send me coords. I’m on my way.
  13. AZBIG10

    horses in elk unit

    We use to see Mule deer bucks every single fishing trip driving to saguaro. EVERY trip! Never bothered to hunt them even though they were mature and had some good head gear. Horses numbers began to rise and I guess what we don’t see anymore. Zero bucks lots of those stupid horses
  14. Wtf didn’t know this was a thing! Darn slick! GLWS free bump
  15. Pretty novel idea to generate revenue. Underhanded if you ask me
  16. Wouldn’t surprise me if this guy gets to go on the deer and elk surveys with game and fish. I propose that when you play basketball you can’t shoot a 3 pointer unless you have both shoes untied. What a frickong joke
  17. An avid outdoorsman? man they are really infringing on our sport. We need to put a stop to every one of these that arises. They are taking our liberties from all angles.
  18. AZBIG10

    Anyone find a 3x3

    Trophy hunter shot a 3x3 in the face. I can help look if it’s 24 b ish area
  19. AZBIG10

    *(FOUND SAFE!)* Missing hunter Eagle, CO

    Frick. Prayers for this man
  20. AZBIG10

    Lost a good friend

    This hits home on many levels to me and my family. I also often think of the member of this site a lot as well. Sorry for your loss.
  21. AZBIG10

    Max point number for each species?

    How could you combine species points. It’s a javelina bonus point not a sheep point. I vote they pound sand with there 29 pts.
  22. You guys remember the guy who came on here asking for help and then....
  23. AZBIG10

    Help from NC

    Flatlander provides sound advice. To dovetail him pick a unit dial in an area pick it apart. You will see areas where muleys and coues bucks overlap. Don’t get discouraged. if you find and area that looks couesy and you are turning up muley. Stay with it. Coues bucks are much more elusive. I would recommend doing the early bear hunt and you will find what you are looking for. No doubt
  24. AZBIG10

    Hungry Mountain Lions

    Macho B didn’t kill himself.