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Everything posted by AZBIG10

  1. AZBIG10

    Bison reduction project

    Wait until the Az wolves get over populated and instead of a hunt to the public they again have some obscured convoluted process so the elite I mean random selected few can have a go at them.
  2. AZBIG10

    Rainbow and Lake Trout..

    I heard this was a state record but the fishermen didn’t know it and Turned it loose. Nice fish
  3. AZBIG10

    Is this Legit?

  4. Thanks for posting this up. Great footage and editing.
  5. AZBIG10

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    i pull overnight shifts. If you can’t sleep or need an ear. Prayers for you. Reach out.
  6. AZBIG10

    2021 Fall Draw?

    Yah man. Just don’t this Time. K
  7. AZBIG10

    Rare Sighting

    There is one in alma new Mexico. Looks straight out of a horror flick
  8. AZBIG10

    2021 Fall Draw?

    20 years
  9. AZBIG10

    Bison reduction project

    Why not cut some of those grey wolves loose in the area?
  10. AZBIG10

    Bison reduction project

    What are your plans in november?
  11. AZBIG10

    2021 Fall Draw?

  12. AZBIG10

    Bison reduction project

    Oh safety. I get it now
  13. AZBIG10

    Bison reduction project

    Here is my question. G&F manages wildlife population. Why didn't they double down on tags leading up to this point. Plenty of bison applicants out there. And the numbers didn't increase overnight This thing is a bit fishy.
  14. AZBIG10


    Let me guess. 1 box of 6.5 143 eldx free bump great glass
  15. AZBIG10

    Bison reduction project

    Elitist. I bet if ol jimmy John applied he would get the nod too
  16. AZBIG10

    Tacoma/4Runner wheels $20 (older) Tucson

    Guessing 16 on left 15 on right
  17. AZBIG10

    Opening day youth bird (Update for Pics)

    Heck yes! Congrats to the youth hunter. Showing this to my daughter. She is an anti lol
  18. AZBIG10

    Here's one for all the mask fans

    I bet you its fake.
  19. AZBIG10

    Here's one for all the mask fans

    Was trained how to restrain a flailing kid while working in hospital. Basically they taught us to have the kid choke them self. Lmao they didn’t account for the head butt that would be the first line of defense once contact was made. Buy a mask and wear a mask 🤠 it’s not the sheep thing to do. It’s the right thing to do
  20. AZBIG10

    Here's one for all the mask fans

    Lost me at brutally dragged. TLDR
  21. AZBIG10

    WTB or WTT 6.5 Creedmor

    Great for solo coues hunts
  22. AZBIG10

    6.5 creedmoor ammo-updated

    Will you drive to. Mesa?
  23. AZBIG10


    Public safety
  24. AZBIG10

    Roosevelt report

    In- DM me with details have gas money and can keep the net wet. Dollar on first fish