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Everything posted by AZBIG10

  1. AZBIG10

    No More Guides, No More Finder’s Fees in Utah

    Jealous? Hee haw. posse hunting is nothing but a clown 🤡 show. Nobody is jealous of try-Hards. Hope Az adopts something similar. If you need a small community to kill a mature animal you need to hang it up.
  2. AZBIG10

    ASNF Removal of Feral Horses

    Would be cheaper to build power lines and make them Boone and Crocket mentionable. For the one guy who hunts the long season
  3. AZBIG10

    Switching from applying for rifle to archery tags?

    Def on the fringe. Realistically you could come home empty handed with an archery tag. It is fun…no doubt
  4. Asking 4K obo
  5. AZBIG10

    6x6 330ish Bull Elk Mount

    I would put this on my front door master bedroom or the hood of my truck. Sexy af heck of a trophy
  6. AZBIG10

    No More Guides, No More Finder’s Fees in Utah

    Ahhhhhhh I like it
  7. AZBIG10

    Draw Results

    Today 3pm
  8. AZBIG10

    When never meets now.

    1st off get a fade. Hair cut
  9. AZBIG10

    When never meets now.

    1st off get a fade.
  10. AZBIG10

    Guide Recommendation

    Brutal on here lately.
  11. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Hiring a guide has its place. Can’t argue this. May learn something new. diy also has its place.
  12. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    His 3 kids never had a chance at a sheep tag. His 29 points as an nr are negligible
  13. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    I miss bob already
  14. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

  15. AZBIG10

    Guide Recommendation

  16. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Yup. Soo?
  17. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    They worst part of this statement is there are multiple people out there that have drawn multiple lope rifle tags over that span of 25 years.
  18. AZBIG10

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Try again closer to 15-20 years
  19. AZBIG10

    Elk hits tomorrow????

    1 hit….. to the nuts
  20. AZBIG10

    Elk hits tomorrow????

    You guys ever hear of fire bull. Shhhhhh… get it?
  21. AZBIG10

    Free Golden Retriever sHE IS GONE

    Good deal here. Hope to see pics from the new home. Whats the pups name?
  22. AZBIG10

    When never meets now.

    Kids are resilient they will be ok. Put yourself first and make kids a priority. I have a different perspective on this whole scenario I couldn’t get away from my ex wife fast enough. That said.. it still wasn’t easy. They have a way of over complicating every aspect of a divorce. Put on your armor amd prepare for battle. once that door is shut. Leave it shut
  23. AZBIG10

    hunting/camping solo

    Soloist here. I really enjoy all aspects of hunting. There’s a time to go it alone and times with close friends
  24. AZBIG10

    When never meets now.

    I’m not a counselor or a therapist. But if you need an another someone to talk with I’m here. only thing I can share is. You can come out on top of all of this. I promise you that. Set some goals and make time for yourself get your bearings and get moving on a better you. Sounds cliche af but you are capable.