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Everything posted by AZBIG10

  1. AZBIG10

    Muzzle-loaders.com sale.

  2. AZBIG10

    Big Game Hero Contest

    Anyone heard of this? Commissioners tag?
  3. Banning folks from the woods for violations needs to be the standard. They also need to look at recreational violators that trash the forest. People don’t deserve to be in the woods if they can’t clean up after themselves
  4. AZBIG10

    Big Game Hero Contest

  5. AZBIG10

    Big Game Hero Contest

    I tried to research it.. there isn’t a lot of information. Would assume the weight of the commissioners tag would get a lot of traction. Seems like a voting system to get the tag
  6. AZBIG10

    Opportunity VS Trophy Hunts

    Problem is poverty hunts are hard to draw nowadays
  7. AZBIG10

    Opportunity VS Trophy Hunts

    Good job Predatr! Congrats
  8. AZBIG10

    Coues with a Pistol

    Whaaat! First the lope and now a Coues.Dood Adam save some for the rest of us
  9. AZBIG10

    Antelope with a Pistol

    Do you have more of the hunt details. Would love to hear how this one worked out.
  10. AZBIG10

    Antelope with a Pistol

    Straight up killer with the pistol.
  11. AZBIG10

    Elk Processing from MIllers 6-8 Weeks

    Millers is fantastic. Nothing but praise for them. It’s called volume and well Worth the wait if you ask me.Don’t want to wait take it elsewhere. Or process it yourself
  12. AZBIG10

    Antelope with a Pistol

    Dang congrats sitting on 10 pts for this hunt. Good job getting it done
  13. AZBIG10

    Wife’s First mule Deer

    Nice job
  14. AZBIG10

    Find Em

    2 critters in the pic. Good luck.
  15. AZBIG10

    Find Em

    Was a beauty of a bobcat! Little forked deer is below. Good finds. for a bonus there is probably a few javelina in there too. We counted 15 in the same cut
  16. AZBIG10

    AZ Bucket List (input needed)

    Looking to check off a few bucket list items in AZ before we make our move out of state. We have a few years to squeeze as much in as possible. It can be big or small just looking for some ideas. a breakfast at bear wallow in alpine (will make the list) Or a hike with a view. fly fishing the the black river. Etc Hot chocolate at Molly butler lodge. While watching college football. looking for some ideas on what experiences we could add to our list. Thx.
  17. AZBIG10

    AZ Bucket List (input needed)

    We are looking at Palmer soldotna sterling. I do like the part of anchorage that backs up to flat top. Potters something or other. Most likely get back in the construction biz.
  18. AZBIG10

    AZ Bucket List (input needed)

    AKBIg10 will be my new handle
  19. AZBIG10

    AZ Bucket List (input needed)

    Thanks to all that replied. Keep them coming. Any thing food or out doors. We’re all for it.
  20. AZBIG10

    Setting kids up for the shot

    Triclawps is legit. Def helps in a clutch moment. I would really focus on it being fun. #1 Priority. Maybe get a camera and have him practice shooting wildlife with it.
  21. AZBIG10

    Doubled down

    Some of the best meat out there. Good shooting.
  22. AZBIG10


  23. AZBIG10

    2022 buck

    On a roll this year good shootin
  24. AZBIG10

    Guess the score.

    This would be helpful. I was low as well. Not doubting the final. I'm guessing g3s were longer, eye guards and more mass. It's all guessing until you tape it out