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Everything posted by jnobleinaz

  1. jnobleinaz

    2012 Kaibab buck for Carsten!

    Holy cow that is a great buck!
  2. jnobleinaz

    Desert Muley 29" 3x3 for my Boy!!

    that is so sweet congrats
  3. jnobleinaz


    Steve's 2012 leftover buck. We had a great hunt this weekend. My brother and I went down with my friends Steve and Dean along with Deans dad Karl this weekend. Opening morning Steve smoked this buck. Dean also tagged out but i don"t have any photos since he was on the mountain by himself. Friday for my brother and I was spent from the grueling pack out of Steve"s buck and going in to help Dean so we got to hunt on sat and this morning but had to come back home for work stuff. My brother missed a buck this morning on bucks that spooked. I also had the second one in the scope but when I pulled the trigger the safety was on. My fault but it happened very quickly so it was kind of comical. Kind of disappointed that some other hunters saw us packing out in the area we found and then decided that they needed to hunt the same spot we were. I know this because they were glassing from a high road and we ran into them and they said they saw us coming out 2 miles away. The next morning they were parked right next to us in the basin. I wouldn"t do it but oh well its public land.
  4. jnobleinaz

    3 buck in two days

    sweet job!
  5. jnobleinaz

    AZGFD Rule Changes

  6. jnobleinaz

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Cage match
  7. jnobleinaz

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Thank you for taking the time to provide input. Regards, Kurt Davis -----Original Message----- From: John Noble [jnobleinaz1@cox.net] Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 08:14 AM US Mountain Standard Time To: Kurt R.Davis Subject: against rule change on baiting Subject: against rule change against baiting Comment: Rulemaking Panel. Thank you for the chance to voice my questions and concerns. I am an arizona resident since 1983. I am not in favor of the rule change against using salts, minerals and consumable products as a hunting method. Here are some of my problems with this rule change. A. Where is the factual scientific data showing the effect on the wild animals of arizona from using minerals and consumable products as a hunting method. B. Where are the case studies depicting which type of harvest method effects big game animals and how many animals are taken over salt licks and baiting sites. C. Mandatory harvest reports on all big game animals with these methods listed for a choice. D. Specific data showing what diseases are transferred from a salt or mineral site vs the water sources they congregate and drink from. E. Data showing the tax dollars that will be lost from all the salt and mineral based products also to include corn and other products like “deer cane”, camping supplies, fuel, and food items that are bought in order to set these products out into the forest. In order to make this rule change I would request that all the above be used and be made public to show the conservationist’s. And to not develop and enact a rule based on Theory. Theory is not a factual source. I do not agree that any other study from any other state should be used as well. We have our own micro climate in az and the study should only pertain to that. Thank you and I look forward to a reply. Type: Comment Regarding: Wildlife/Fish Management John Noble Noble Refrigeration LLC
  8. jnobleinaz

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Here is the bottom line. A hunter not hunting is not good. I have yet to see the effects of the forest road changes. I bet it will be surprising in 5 years how many numbers we lose in this state. Once you are a certain age and cannot hike you are pretty much just able to road hunt (another one guys complain about) or sit a water hole or other. With these road changes there will be a lot of older guys (no offense I will be there too one day) that will say screw it because the roads they used to drive are shut down and they will throw in the towel. I don't know how many but young or old, but if they use salt or bait if this passes mor of them might be gone too. How does that help us? I look at the hunting and fishing community as a whole body, archers, muzzle loaders, rifleman, trappers, houndsmen, guys that spot and stalk, guys that use blinds, guys that use treestands, guys that use salt, guys that use bait, guys that road hunt, guys that just buy all the crap from the catalogs and drive around to look cool. When you think of it this way you take away your left leg from the knee down your a pretty worthless if you have to defend yourself right? So why would you cut off your own leg? All your body parts don't have to like each other to work. Because if you do, and you are in a fight... you will lose much more than just your leg. Cant say it enough. Everyone of us hunts a different way, everyone of us loves this activity, every one of us would hate to see it taken away, so why dont we ALL just ban together and realize that one of our limbs is about to be cut off and kick some a$$ on this issue? Please.
  9. jnobleinaz

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    And we may have little disease and no CWD in our herds now ..... But What if????? What if they never transplanted Elk from Yellow Stone in 1913 after hunting Took out the last of the Native Elk in AZ..... I am sorry but I have a little more faith that the majority of those in G&F that they are trying to their job to manage our herds and keep our sport and right to harvest for meat Alive... That does not mean I agree with everything, and many things that have happened within the political realm of commission when it comes to revenue, the general fund, to the wolf program I disagree with... But if regulations were not put in place in the early 1900's the then current trends in hunting would have destroyed most big game herds and we would all be playing golf today and not enjoying the ability to harvest from our beautiful forest lands. PLEEZ GO PLAY GOLF YOU FIT IN THERE!!!!! Wow... I am sure it is too much to ask for a smart intellectual commit from someone as ignorant as you come off to be, and not for just this one thread... It is this kind of ignorant arrogance that is as much as a disease in the Hunting community as the idea that a new regulation and ban might create a divide amongst hunters... I am sure that you would be a better bowler .... bigger ball and a much shorter lane .... kind of the same reason you probably need Bait ... not so good at long shots and smaller target I have read all your posts and one thing is clear they are all based on opinions that are from other states. We have no where near the deer in this state. If ranchers put out salt why cant I. How can yu tell me that the animals are not licking the ranchers salt and communicating this imaginary disease that we have no data on or a name for. heck there is sure a lot more bacteria and other garbage in the water they drink. This is a complete joke. Hunting is not a right it is a privilege or maybe you didnt know that. Once any privilege is gone it will never come back. I wish it was a right and then we could tell them kiss our A**. I dont and never will understand the oooh your not a real hunter because. That is why we have archery, handgun, muzzleloader, compound bows, long bows, recurve bow, open sights, scoped rifles, long range rifles, and the ability to hunt over bait or put out a salt lick. Many methods whose to say it is fair to take one away from a crock theory that az will spread disease with a salt block.
  10. jnobleinaz

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Any ban on any privileges we have now that gets taken away is wrong. Not everyone uses them but that doesn't mean because YOU don't means it should be taken away from those that do. My older brother lives in california and it is a fricken joke. This is the first step into taking our assets away. Some of you may think you are HARD CORE and say I dont need that or use it. Well what if there was something you did and they wanted to take it away. I dont believe you would be saying what you are saying now. Next it will be taking turreted scopes away, trail cameras, atv's etc. If an inch is given a foot will be taken. Pull your heads out and unite. Anyone that agrees with this is a complete moron. Ya thats right. I'm a little fired up after reading all the bs posts on this and cant actually understand what goes into some peoples head sometimes. Do i bait now . No I tried putting corn out in 2008, didnt work. Do I put salt blocks out, yes. Do I want either of these options ever taken from me no. Am i mentally coherent, yes. live strong hunt long bruthas.
  11. jnobleinaz

    Video of My Brothers 2012 Elk Hunt

    awesome great shot too!
  12. jnobleinaz

    First elk on the ground

    awesome bro congrats on a great hunt!
  13. The rules for the wood cutting permit state no scouting for wood New in 2012 The Travel Management Rule is in effect on the Coconino. Unless specified elsewhere on the permit or identified as prohibited, motorized off road travel is authorized to access and load firewood. The permit does not authorize motorized cross country travel to scout for wood. The permit authorizes off-road vehicular use by the most direct route in and out of the area to accomplish firewood retrieval. Off-road travel is not permitted to "scout" for wood. Please use a MVUM in conjunction with your firewood guide. Roads not identified as “open” roads on the MVUM are not considered "roads" in the provision. Using these "roads" would be considered the same as “cross country travel” and should only be used to access and load firewood that has been previously located and cut without using your
  14. jnobleinaz

    .300 Win Mag

    150 g hornaday i have used the interbond for years now the also have 150 g sst and gmx line. All coues kill shots have been 220 355 335 517. works great.
  15. If anyone found a backpack it has Steve Baileys info in in please call him at 623-760-8402 thanks also if you know how to copy this onto all the other forums please let me know.
  16. jnobleinaz

    getting a little frustrated...

    Been down that road a quite a few times herd of moo cows=no elk herd of sheep=no elk. Save yourself a lot of frustration and figure out which way the elk went. Usually you can find out by figuring out the perimeter of where the livestock is and taking and educated guess. From what I have seen the elk move around 2-3 miles away. In 2007 we glassed an area watched over 200 elk all mixed cows and bulls 2 weeks later the cattle were there and we did not see one elk but they did move and we found them again.
  17. jnobleinaz

    how many points do you have?

    8 pts drew a muzzy tag in 2006 no complaints here
  18. jnobleinaz

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    Fixed only I dont care what test you do with a mechanical. When you take the mechanical or moving parts out of the equation its all on me. That's what I want I miss or make a bad shot no one else to blame.
  19. jnobleinaz

    Ranger, Prowler or Rhino For UTV's

    I have ridden in all three multiple times. We bought a ranger.
  20. jnobleinaz

    Need the opinion of any AC techs

    Freon leaks are the biggest pain in the you know what to deal with. If it is a split system you have to determine if it is in the indoor coil or the outdoor coil. Usually this time of year if it is in the outdoor coil you will see the oil residue very easily. If in the indoor coil depending on brand you have to take apart the case or air handler depending if it is a heat pump or split gas. Finding the leak is the hard part. The best way my brother and I use is to take all of the refrigerant out of the lines then do a high pressure test with nitrogen. Or use a vacuum pump on the system. Shrader calves also leak at the unit when the core o rings give out. Now if the leak is in the condenser you have two issues is it a straight cool unit or a heat pump? If it is a straight cool you can replace just the condenser portion of the unit because you can still use r-22 dry condensers that are being made by American Standard and Trane (our rec) or if it is a heat pump it has to be a 12 SEER or higher then you can use a r-22 dry heat pump condenser that will still work with the metering device for the R-22 inside your system. If not you are looking at an entire new system insiade and out. That is always an option but can get costly depending on where your indoor unit is. If it is the indoor coil you are at the mercy of what manufacturer and specs you have for that unit. If they still make a coil you can use with R-22 you can replace it. Or also look at the an entirely new 410-a refrigerant based system. Whatever the case freon leaks are the biggest pain in our industry to deal with. All this above just gives you an idea that there is no one true answer to the problem but many options that are out there. John Noble Noble Refrigeration
  21. Last year on the early wt hunt in az i was glassing with my brother and a couple buddies then i decided to go up to the higher point.i sat down started to glass. After finding a few does i heard a noise. I figured it was birds in the grass. A few seconds later i realized the noise was walking right below me. Immediately after i see the tips of antlers. It was two bucks slug right below me at about 10 yards away! My rifle was behind me about 10 feet away. I had a little log in front of me so i decided to crawl towers my rifle. I then had to put a she'll in the chamber. The deer and my buddy Steve heard me do that. The deer spooked over the edge so Steve and i went to where i knew we would see then from above. As you can imagine, this was a mad scramble. We saw then comer out into a clearing. The range aren't gave me was 280 them they hoped a fence i kept waiting for them to stop. They did and i shot at the big one. And we watched me shoot right underneath him. They were gone! ya i missed our you would have seen my sweet pics of me with a great buck by my side. I now have learned the lesson that every little move i make i will have my rifle next to me with one in the chamber. Hopefully this will get you fired up for the draw next week. That will probably never happen to me again but it is the coolest thing i have had happen while glassing!
  22. jnobleinaz

    Jared does it again

    great job sweet pig Jared!
  23. jnobleinaz

    yesterdays Piggy

    Went out yesterday and had a great time. 43 yard shot magnus snuffer ss.