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About jnobleinaz

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/23/1974

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  1. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    It just really sucks for everyone. Taking that part of the unit out is a dang shame. Some of the best elk and antelope hunting in the whole country. Not to mention that all the other units are going to get twice as hard to draw now. 6506 guys out in for early rifle bull 2091 for archery bull and 8127 for antelope. once the word gets out those numbers are going to transfer into all the other units. So it's not just unit 10 all the units will be affected eventually. Anyway, good luck to everyone in the upcoming draw.
  2. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    the fees are the front.
  3. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    Who are you calling Lark?
  4. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    just found out about this what the heck do you mean I'm late I mean you are late for the Big Bo discussion, but what is the morons comment about? I Jane a family and don't live in the net. So I heard about it from a good buddy today. Sorry I'm not so up to date like you
  5. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    as cousin eddy said in Christmas Vacation..... Bingo!
  6. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    ummm that's a stupid post. Everyone that's wants to hunt 10 is getting the shaft
  7. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    Ya no just reason for them other than to give everyone the shade. I'm sure they are really first come first serve also. It's a total joke.
  8. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    Also being called a moron usually gets someone's attention.
  9. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    Just trying to have people see its not the fee.
  10. jnobleinaz

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    just found out about this what the heck do you mean I'm late
  11. https://huntbigboranch.com/notices/ Hey all of you guys squawking about the boquillas fees...... It's not the fees. Almost anyone of us that drew an early rifle bull hunt or antelope hunt in unit 10 would pay the $500.00. But what you are not seeing is the cap and % of hunts they will allow. Antelope hunts hunt #2014 has 100 permits available to draw. How many HD permits is the total joke Boquillas going to offer??? 30, and only 60% of those are for Do it yourself hunts. So how many people will be able to access the Ranch? 18..... Really guys this is total BS who's taking the so called first come first serve calls? early rifle elk hunt #3004 has 40 permits. Boquillas has 25 HD permits. So a whooooole 15 guys will be able to supposedly have access to do it yourself hunt on the ranch. The other tags will be given to guys with a guide. I don't know the idiots that wrote this and expect smart people to believe it but they must be retarded thinking that this is ok to do. Why the CAP????!!!! It's such total BS I can't even stand it. "Hey man, you just drew the tag of a lifetime"!!! "Oh wait we are all sold out of our HD permits, better luck next time". Are you fricken kidding me. So why the cap? why the cap? why the cap? why the cap? Wait I forgot that I hate asking myself stupid idiotic questions I already know the answer to. To get rid of DIY and have a guided only ranch. Because if it weren't for that there would be no cap. Anyone that has a comeback you better try and explain... But just so you know we won't believe you !!!! Man I'm really pi$$$ed off right now.
  12. jnobleinaz

    My 2014 buck

    He was a really old buck his top teeth were worn down to the gums and he had one good tooth on the bottom. We saw about 20 bucks on our hunt I was holding out for a mature buck. We really busted our asses this year. My brother and my buddy Steve shot bucks last night too. It was a double that I actually got on video. It was awesome!
  13. jnobleinaz

    My 2014 buck

    Thx guys
  14. jnobleinaz

    My 2014 buck

    Have had a great hunt so far this season. I glassed this buck Bedded shot was 452.
  15. jnobleinaz

    2014 Javi

    Here is my 2014 javi pretty good I only had a few days this year I could hunt.