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Everything posted by erucker

  1. That's "Ole Split Ear", you need to knock him down. I would say he is in the 95 range. dang nice buck.
  2. erucker

    Trail cameras

    Suppose a permanent Die may work. That way if we advertise it and people see some purple people around town they will know they are thieves. Or maybe some sort of paintball that fires out. I will have to try a few.... ER
  3. erucker

    Trail cameras

    I'm thinking of adding a time delay relay and spray can that shoots pepper spray within an unspecified time the cover is removed or the can is tilted more than 90 degrees.....may not stop them, but the pics on the other cams should be entertaining and they would think about doing it a second time. ER
  4. erucker

    Deer & Cattle

    I think the cattle have litle impact on the deer, in feeding areas. However, I have seen deer come to a tank and wait on the perimeter until the cattle left water holes. For some reason, unless really in need of water most of the bucks I have seen have waited for the cattle to leave tanks. So if I am sitting water, cattle do discourage me if they are around the tank. ER
  5. erucker

    new member

    Really cool pics, welcome, I agree it is the best site around. ER
  6. erucker

    cam, scouting pics

    Love those pics, and that buck is really nice. Looks like you will be having some fun. ER
  7. erucker

    mathews switchback for sale

    Is this still for sale? ER
  8. That Suck's, at least you still have the camera. I have started that monitoring technique as well. ER
  9. Hey all, I got these from one of my cams yesterday. How much do you think he has left to grow? Curious to see what you think it may score. I like the width of him. Also this critter has been visiting as well. Looks like this can be a fun Archery hunt! Can't wait. ER
  10. erucker

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    Amanda, I will take: 1 Sand-LG 1-Prairie-LG PM me for my info to pay. Thanks, ER
  11. Shouldn't you guys be working?????????????????????? Going back out today to put out another cam and check four.....
  12. Yes, they are two different bucks. All of my AM pics were bad because of sun location. So we didn't get to see almost 90 pics. That being said we will put another cam on the tank and hope for the best. Thanks ER
  13. erucker

    Unit 31

    Get at tag and do some homework. PS Don't hunt the Mt Graham area. Hunt the other big range. Access is limited but if you work hard the good ones are there. ER
  14. erucker

    Cam Pics

    Sweet Pics. thanks for posting, ER
  15. erucker

    Checked the cameras today

    Really nice bull. I hope you guys and get'em
  16. You can use the edit functions at Photbucket.com. I just like to hide all landmarks when posting pics. ER
  17. Hey all, I upgraded generators and now have an extra that I am selling. It runs good. I used it from late summer to the winter. It could use a new pull cord, which is only a few bucks. However it will start and run as it sits. Champion 4000 Peak Watts/ 3500 Running Watts, I believe it has DC power too. It powers up my 5th wheel trailer with AC $150.00 I paid $300 ER
  18. erucker

    Champion Generator 4000Peak/3500 Running

    Generator has been sold. Thanks for the replies. ER
  19. erucker

    Champion Generator 4000Peak/3500 Running

    I have been so busy to dig the camera out. It is the same model (size) as what is sold at Cabelas and Checker Auto. This generator is about 8-9 Months old. I used it for about six weekend trips. WOuld usually run it when I got back to camp for TV or just to top batteries off. I have been talking with someone from Tucson that may want it. Thanks ER
  20. Hey all, Clearing out the garage. I have a set of Quad/UTV ramps I baught with my Honda Rancher in 06. Used the Rancher one season and got me a Ranger. These ramps were only used a few times and are in good shape. They were baught at Apache Honda so you can check the price or online. You won't beat this deal. Weight capacity is 1200lbs It is also posted on craigs list if you want to click a link for a picture. $100.00 Thanks, Ed
  21. erucker

    el pepÉ scores again

    That is a KILLER Buck, thanks for sharing!
  22. erucker

    san carlos whitetail

    How much are the Coues tags? ER
  23. erucker

    WTB - ATV Ramps

    I have a set of really nice ones (Alluminum). They fold in half and have tie downs so they don't slip. I baught them when I got my quad (Used 3 times) before I sold the quad and got a Ranger. Give me a call 602.980.3327 Ed
  24. erucker

    Bass Pro Shop

    Try these guys, they are small. but if they don't have it tell them what you want and they'll get it. WWW.KRUGERFARMS.com If you check the prices they are cheaper than Cabelas and others. ER
  25. erucker

    Ameristep Doghouse Blind

    Funny, I have one too and we once drank a 6 pack a piece trying to break it down. No that I am used to it it's not too bad.