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Mr September

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Everything posted by Mr September

  1. Mr September

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Why no photos and such from you???
  2. Mr September

    First Time Javelina Hunting Question

    I actually appreciate that. I wish more guys that felt that way, would do the right thing and do what you do.
  3. Mr September

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Yeah tell us the whole adventure! You get into a herd of rabbits that needed thinning?
  4. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Couple pretty good ones in that line up. I have a LOAD of the skulls too. I should line them up like that once and do a photo.
  5. Mr September

    First Time Javelina Hunting Question

    Unfortunately actually becoming the truth rapidly.
  6. Mr September

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Great read. Well worth the time and the dime...
  7. Mr September

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Completely agree - ^^^ ____ Makes hunters look ignorant.
  8. Mr September

    First Time Javelina Hunting Question

    Keep us posted
  9. Mr September

    First Time Javelina Hunting Question

    Jason knows of what he speaks...
  10. Mr September

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Is that an area you have hunted before?
  11. Mr September

    Tagged out!! X2!

    What is a "sal"? If you don't mind me asking?
  12. Mr September

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Never been in those areas. PM some of these guys that are seeing herds daily and see if they will give up a glassing point? They're not going to do that in an open forum if they're smart. Hunters helping hunters. If they do give you an area stay of the varmint call bull$h!t. That will ruin an area real quick, sometimes even into the future.
  13. Mr September

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Awesome!~ How were the pig numbers? Conditions? Green?
  14. Mr September

    20B help? AND 20A?

    Completely agree... ^^^ ___ Couldn't have explained it any simpler/better.
  15. Mr September

    20B help? AND 20A?

    20A can be tough.
  16. Mr September

    Archery Javi Minimum Arrow Weight and FPS?

    Obviously be sure you hit the legal requirements. Then be dang sure you are VERY disciplined when it comes to shot selection with that set up. But there is enough energy for Javelina if you use the right style broad head well tuned. Also be sure he can hit a grapefruit every time at what ever you determine his max distance to be, because that is roughly the size of the heart lung package on these little guys...
  17. Mr September

    I finally found my Spirt Animal

    Actually thats my guy...
  18. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Cactus Bounders on the prod...
  19. Mr September

    some javelina fun!

    Watched that on you tube.Very cool. How come you didn't show more of your long bow shot and follow up/recovery on your pig?
  20. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Here is the underside of the base on the mount above. Kind of did it like it was the ceiling of a cave or something...
  21. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Very cool mount.
  22. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    A custom form we built and mounted a few years ago...
  23. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Very cool little metal art thing we got down there.
  24. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Very not cool...^^^
  25. Mr September

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Very cool. Love how unique that is.