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Everything posted by AZAV8ER

  1. AZAV8ER


    Youth 20, the nicest home defense shotgun. Won't recoil to much and not hard on the structure and It Scares the F out of me thinking of being on business end of 1 OZ of #2 lead.
  2. AZAV8ER

    Weather report

    S AZ had snow in Sonoita a couple days ago looked like 3/4 inches more forecast 4 tonight.
  3. AZAV8ER

    Ballistics Calculations???

    Does shooter also have your altitude and current local barometric pressure to calculate Density Altitude for your shot?
  4. AZAV8ER

    Ballistics Calculations???

    You used some kind of "app" to generate numbers for the tape. Wether it was published paper tables or on line app that built you a table or something, that or you just have a mind for imagining the right drop chart.
  5. AZAV8ER

    Ballistics Calculations???

    I use a density altitude app and plug the resultant DA value into my ballistic app works nice.
  6. AZAV8ER

    Ballistics Calculations???

    StrelokPro will also tell you what velocity to use based on your corrections. Do other apps have the reticle view that Strelok has?
  7. Maybe not "Superior" but better supported, better adopted & more commercially successful.
  8. AZAV8ER

    Lion in Tucson

    Depends, if it was eyeballing me as intensely as my Marine DI then throw them out.
  9. AZAV8ER

    Mixing Powders

    I have had a a 7-08 or two and liked them ok. I have one with a Broughton barrel from when the old man was making them and I had a hard time getting it to shoot sub MOA. Also with 140 SGK was able to get them going about 2850 fps. I think hand loading the 6.5C you can get 140's to 2800 and change. So for my perspective its 6's. Now take a 270 WIN spitting out a 150 at around 2900 and I know what I prefer.
  10. AZAV8ER

    Lion in Tucson

    I read the book 'The Beast in the Garden" a while back and was impressed by how dangerous these big cats can be. It does not happen often but there is a definite potential for these predators to be killers of humans. The book chronicles the encounters between humans and their pets and mountain lions in Boulder Colorado leading up to a lion killing a 18 year old young man out for a run on the edge of town.
  11. AZAV8ER

    Mixing Powders

    I have shot 6.5C Hornady factory loaded 140 Am Gunner, 140 Match and 143 ELD X Precision Hunter out of two different rifles and get at least 1/2 inch groups all the way around. I have never come across anything saying the powders in the Hornady loads are a blend of powders, is this correct? Now only my impression, from talking to others at the range and at shoots and reading, but I think hand loading the 6.5C would give me better velocity and groups than Hornady loaded ammo, is this others experience ?
  12. AZAV8ER

    Here we go

    Its a little like the Marines pictured pissing on Taliban dead. As far as I am concerned they could have taken a video of them defecating on em. If you ask those Marines today if it was a bad photo to have out there they would probably say yes.
  13. AZAV8ER

    What Church do you attend?

    When I was promoted to a position of responsibility in charge of the well being of my team one of my first lessons/rules (for my own personal conduct) was never NEVER bring up or discus religion.
  14. AZAV8ER

    Here we go

    A very good point and should be every hunter/outdoorsman's touchstone. My own personal perspective is that i am a outdoorsman and conservationist as much as a hunter. I dislike the term "sport hunting". Hunting is the fall outdoor ritual, a ritual passed down from my father and uncle and goes back several millennium. We play a part as the Apex Predator, Fish and Game monitors the big picture with the goal to balance heard size to habitat to hunting pressure. The poor predator has low priority, the goal for now is manage the pressure so we don't wipe them out (otherwise they become endangered species). Yes I still get that "Thrill of the Hunt" feeling but feel that we are more than takers. We have a synergistic relationship with game, wildlife and the outdoors. Many hunters are involved with conservation as in the many groups along the lines of Ducks Unlimited and the different Elk Societies. Not every hunter is involved to that level but their Pittman Robertson taxes and political support help keep conservation and FG Dept. healthy and viable. Habitat enhancement and habitat protections supported by hunters helps all, that is ALL wildlife not just the game species. There has been attempts to tax other outdoor equipment ala Pittman Robertson act, you could hear the cries of no from coast to coast. Without the hunting constituency Politicians would take money out of conservation and use it in other ways to buy more votes. Without hunters Audubon Society, Sierra Club would not have enough boots on the ground or as big a voice to support habitat enhancement or protection. Habitat out west is so chopped up by cities, highways and other development that without a FG Dept. to monitor it all and unchecked predators would eat out these isolated island of habitat and the resulting level of wildlife would be much lower. DO NOT EVER EVER GIVE YOUR ENEMIES EASY WAYS TO ATTACH OR HARM YOU
  15. AZAV8ER

    Here we go

    True this is the first step. This is also true, it gives the first step to banning awesome traction.
  16. AZAV8ER

    Here we go

    I am a traditional hunter and strongly believe in fair chase. Also strongly believe fair chaise does not apply to coyotes. That said, in this day and age killing contests like this have very bad optics.
  17. AZAV8ER

    Another 280 AI joins the herd

    No, but thanks for the offer. I should have asked "What is your comfort level with reloading brass that ran a little hot?" Not asking to bust your balls more interested in others perspective. But we got a good real world experience from lance so looks like he answered the question.
  18. AZAV8ER

    PRS Competitions

    great thread just now going on at snipers hide. What match are you doing? My range bag has ammo (up to 100 rounds), 2 10 rounds mags, open bolt indicator (most matches have extra), bipod, bags (other shooters will let you use theirs), note book, DOPE or ballistic app, dope card for multi distance long range stages.
  19. AZAV8ER

    Another 280 AI joins the herd

    What are you planning to do with the brass that was maxed pressured ?
  20. AZAV8ER

    10 or 12 power ?

    Picked up a pair of Meopta 12X just before the hunt, My son was going to use my 10X Zeiss. After many years of using the 10X I found the 12X a nice & useful improvement.
  21. AZAV8ER

    Favorite Bullet for Coues?

    Factory Hornady 270 WIN 140 SST Superformance because it is sub MOA in my custom light weight MOD 700, Factory Hornady 270 WIN 145 Precision Hunter because its sub MOA in my MOD 70 Winny, Factory FED 270 WIN 150 Fusion because its sub MOA in my MOD 70 featherweight, Factory 6.5C Hornady 143 Precision Hunter because its sub MOA in my Seekins Havak, Factory FED 243 WIN 95 Fusion because its sub MOA in my MOD 70 featherweight. Sierra GK in any caliber for any of my rifles because they load up at MOA or less. Guys its Coues deer, mostly you need any half decent bullet to hit where you want it to (very critical) within the range that you deliver enough energy to do the job (also important). SST's have been deadly on Coues 250 to 300 multiple times. Precision hunter did solid job at 350 and Sierra GK on Elk, Coues and mule deer multiple times and varied ranges. Fed Fusion never on game but being accurate I feel very comfortable they will perform on delivery. My short and sweet thoughts.
  22. AZAV8ER

    Ballistics Calculations???

    Great shot given what sounds like limited experience. 400 yards is a respectable distance in the field. I have had good groups with Hornady Precision Hunter ammo out of 2 6.5C's and a 270 WIN. Congrats.
  23. AZAV8ER

    Please define "desert units" in AZ

    desert, well when you are no longer in the Palo Verde and cholla zone then you kinda transitioning from desert. Mesquite, ocotillo and grass mixing in some oak then figure you are leaving "desert" behind. Not necessarily scientific, just a way to calibrate it.
  24. AZAV8ER

    Chasing Coues in 35b

    WE had a couple cold nights, but sunny days with no wind.
  25. AZAV8ER

    Chasing Coues in 35b

    4/5 mi west of KBarter but during early NOV hunt.