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360 0r Better

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Everything posted by 360 0r Better

  1. 360 0r Better

    ATV trailer recommendations

    They make that setup it’s called a Toyhauler
  2. 360 0r Better

    Truck bed lights

  3. 360 0r Better

    Truck bed lights

    Try super brightness.com or bluewaterleds.com Both will give you lots of options to be able to customize to your liking Did my boat using these to options all the compartments and live well for about 100.00
  4. 360 0r Better

    Need help pricing an outboard motor

    The 100 per pony is about right for a new motor, 4 strokes with all the new emissions requirements a little more but when all said and done it will only bring what the market will bear
  5. 360 0r Better

    ATV trailer recommendations

    Exactly what he said single axle for that very reason
  6. 360 0r Better

    25-06 Sako FinnBear SOLD

    Sure is if it was a lever action you’d be all over it right?
  7. 360 0r Better

    Vietnam Veteran's Day: March 29

    It used to be when the draft was still active just before the first of the year they would put all the days and dates for the year in a hopper. Then they would draw them one at a time until the complete year had been drawn whatever order they were pulled in was how you were called upon to be drafted. So if the year ended and you weren’t called you could look at the draw list and see how close you were to being drafted. Then the whole process started over. Hope that makes sense
  8. 360 0r Better

    Vietnam Veteran's Day: March 29

    Cool pictures probably puffing on Camel. I’m from that timeframe last 2 years of the war when the draft was by lottery the farthest out from being called was 2days then 1days so almost got to go.
  9. 360 0r Better

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Don’t complain to much you will be there someday, I’m old enough to remember when there was no I-17 freeway and a trip from Phoenix to Flagstaff was an easy 6 to 7 hours
  10. 360 0r Better

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

  11. 360 0r Better

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Auto correct
  12. 360 0r Better

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Or if you are playing catcher
  13. 360 0r Better

    18 years ago today!

    Had the same thing happen to me when I was playing babe ruth league pitching but I whacked a smaller target a sparrow now some 50 years ago.
  14. 360 0r Better

    Where am I?????

    That fishy has two healthy lungs, tuna sandwich anyone?
  15. 360 0r Better

    Where Am I?

    The top of Mingus Mt looking down towards Jerome
  16. 360 0r Better

    Latest project!

    Danm dude that was pretty morbid
  17. 360 0r Better

    2007 F150 FX4

    Looks like 8500 to me
  18. 360 0r Better

    Remington cdl .300 wsm

    Let’s start the bidding at 75.00
  19. 360 0r Better

    WTB left handed bow 70lb

    What draw length are you looking for
  20. 360 0r Better

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    I call BS with it that cold 2to 3 at most plus you must be a fisherman to boot 🥾
  21. 360 0r Better

    Swarovski stud

    How about the top of a rock or tree branch better than nothing that’s what was used before tripods
  22. 360 0r Better

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    I can remember back in the late 60s or early 70s driving to Prescott and the snow was piled about half that high 12 to 14 feet deep and I’ve seen the same thing at Jacobs Lake time to get the snow shoes out
  23. 360 0r Better

    Don't try this at HOME!

    Here’s your sign
  24. 360 0r Better

    FS: Ruger 10/22 Deluxe Sporter w/Leupold 2-7 Scope

    No that is the standard stock I’ve got one of the first ones made and they are short on lop
  25. 360 0r Better

    Jawbone ID?

    Well Oregon is by the coast so other than pike or pickerel I’m going to throw in barracuda as another possible species to be the former owner of this jaw