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360 0r Better

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Everything posted by 360 0r Better

  1. 360 0r Better

    **f/s TIKKA T3 LIGHT 300 WIN MAG**

    I might be wrong on this but 950.00 is not a reasonable offer that’s a public insult, I’m figuring with what you’re looking at somewhere in the 16 to 1800.00 range would be just a little more realistic just saying. Nice gun by the way free bump with some foresight
  2. 360 0r Better


    I’ll answer that question he thinks we are all a bunch of red necks that just fell off the turnip truck and we were all born at night Guess he’s finding out differently I’m with more cows plus it will help piss off AOC
  3. 360 0r Better

    Pellet gun Ruger

    Ya what he said
  4. 360 0r Better

    Left Hand 22LR?

    I’m a lefty and in my late sixties and have never owned a left handed gun of any kind I’ve always shot right hand guns not much adapting to do to use a bolt action. Plus when you want to sell it later you won’t be pandering to a small crowd
  5. 360 0r Better

    Used Toyota Tundra advice

    With my 45+ years in the business the 4.7 was a weak underpowered motor that went 2 to 220k period even with good maintenance, the 5.7 different story they will go a lot more miles if taken care of. Service history is always a big plus to know.
  6. 360 0r Better


    Hay a little bit of CLR or Wink will take that right off easy pezzy
  7. 360 0r Better


    Sounds like a good deal, pick up a few for your next hunt for the time after you bag your prize, wet your thrist while you help conserve for the next hunt!
  8. 360 0r Better

    Hunters locked out of Buehman Canyon Unit 33

    If it’s the only access to the area you are speaking of and there is no other way to get to it azgfd should be able to do something about it. If there is access from another route even if farther nothing can be done about it
  9. 360 0r Better


    Me and my son so far nothing The number of apps this year from what I’ve heard was 168,000 way up from prior years so that might be part of the problem
  10. 360 0r Better


    So how much does a password cost and where do you buy it? On the dark web?
  11. 360 0r Better


    Says Gilbert if you read the heading of the ad
  12. 360 0r Better

    Another where I Am!!!

    Could that be Fort Collins
  13. 360 0r Better

    LOUD buzzing Desktop

    That’s what’s known as FM
  14. 360 0r Better

    Woodbury Fire

    Nice try but I don’t think anyone is buying that one!😎
  15. 360 0r Better


    I’m seeing them at 259.00 on sale at Dick’s sporting goods for 229.00 same model
  16. 360 0r Better

    Wide angle eyepiece compatibility between brands

    That would be a good question that Doug at camera land might be able to shed some light on
  17. 360 0r Better

    ISO: SnugTop Camper Replacement Window

    Get ahold of the manufacturer they should be able to supply or let you know where to obtain one
  18. 360 0r Better

    Aluminum boat, 40hp mercury, tilt motor, steering

    True but with a boat it sure opens up the options for a lot of shore you can’t reach without one
  19. 360 0r Better

    Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    That would be correct correct
  20. 360 0r Better

    WTS NEW Vortex Kaibab 15x56 HD

    Yea snowflake figured you had to be thin skinned to not get the joke but we’re good. I’ve been called worse by better !🥴
  21. 360 0r Better

    Where am I?

    Looks like somewhere along Schnebly Hill Rd going north out of Sedona
  22. 360 0r Better

    WTS NEW Vortex Kaibab 15x56 HD

    Some don’t get it do they (LOL) snowflakes
  23. 360 0r Better

    Make offer

    It’s by the outlet so you can plug it in and ride it you just can’t see the cord
  24. 360 0r Better

    Mercury Marauder

    That’s just what we all need for a hunting rig, ought to 4 wheel great with those 4.10 gears in the rear! Great second post by the way?
  25. 360 0r Better

    SKB Bow Case

    Give him the inside demensions WxL he should be able to tell if his bow will fit by that