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360 0r Better

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Everything posted by 360 0r Better

  1. 360 0r Better

    Weight Distribution Hitch recommendations

    +1. Also hitch height plays a lot on tounge weight along with load distribution in the trailer. Being to light on tounge weight will cause the trailer to fishtail from mild to extremely wild not a fun tow that way
  2. 360 0r Better

    Sleeping Bags

    Looks like another scammer spammer to me 🍺
  3. 360 0r Better

    Reverse osmosis filter

    You stealing my filter source
  4. 360 0r Better

    Couple Chainsaws Stihl & Echo

    They come in 16 to20” depending on motor size
  5. 360 0r Better

    Meopta 15x56 SOLD!

    Thought you said you loved those so why are you getting rid of them
  6. 360 0r Better

    Reverse osmosis filter

    If there are any numbers on it try searching online for it I know eBay has some smoking good prices on filters if you’re not a a situation that you need it like yesterday. I get them for my fridge at about 1/3 the cost of the stores
  7. 360 0r Better

    Mossberg Patriot .243

    $20 including the bush another free bump
  8. Well that was quick what took so long?
  9. Looks more like a Wisconsin wedding meal
  10. 360 0r Better

    Swarovski SLC 15x56

    How old
  11. 360 0r Better

    Savage Model 12 .223

    Not trying to be a SA but were do you buy ammo for this.233 ?
  12. 360 0r Better

    Swarovski 12s for sale

    Looks like the add says 2k
  13. 360 0r Better

    What am I?

  14. 360 0r Better

    What am I?

    Definitely a yogi
  15. 360 0r Better


    NORMAL lefties are the only people in their right mind
  16. 360 0r Better

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    And this is exactly what I said in my first post on this subject, response was from a 20+ year game and fish employee for Arizona that did everything from in the field warden to head of habitat and was a personal friend
  17. 360 0r Better

    WTB AKC Yellow Lab Pup

    But a good dog is worth the wait
  18. 360 0r Better

    Tikka 308 for sale

    Crickets 🦗 from the seller so far
  19. 360 0r Better

    Tikka 308 for sale

    Let’s start the bidding at $100.00
  20. 360 0r Better

    My sons 1st coues

    Congrats looks like I taught my son well and it looks to have rubbed off on my grandson as well in the first set of pictures
  21. 360 0r Better

    What am I

    Looks like a cross breed maybe a female couseoty with a bad case of mange
  22. 360 0r Better

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    dang I need a Tylenol after reading that rats nest.
  23. 360 0r Better

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    True a lot boundaries are roadways of some type but there are far more that are a FR# or waterway of some type. Now shooting across a paved road is a totally different story which again 90% plus boundaries are not paved
  24. 360 0r Better

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    An old buddy of mine was the head of habitat for AZGFD for 15 or so years I posed that same question to him and he told me flat out it’s legal to shoot from one unit to another as long as the animal is in the correct unit you have the tag for when the shot is taken. Same thing as saying you shot from the correct unit and the animal crossed the unit boundary line and died you can legally and by law have to retrieve it even though it’s out of the unit once dead. How many times do you think that happens on FR3 between 6A and 5B north and south. I’d bet more than you think because it’s happened to me
  25. 360 0r Better

    WTB 10x42

    SPF to hvyhlr