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360 0r Better

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Everything posted by 360 0r Better

  1. 360 0r Better


    I’m waiting the guys told me it’s kind of like playing whack the mole
  2. 360 0r Better

    Haircut for a Buck or is it a Buck for a Haircut?

    Probably because that person was wrapped up in thier coffee and didn’t see it coming it happened so fast they couldn’t react. And running through that persons mind was what the chit was that?
  3. 360 0r Better

    Looking for a company to work on an overhead crane

    Yup what he said ☝️
  4. 360 0r Better

    Tree Stands

    You guys could easily cure the swaying problem by using a bigger fatter tree or stay out of the stand entirely
  5. 360 0r Better

    Some people just don't get it.

    I would have contacted AZGFD and gave them the gps coordinates so they could pay a little visit to camp not here
  6. 360 0r Better

    Which way to the lake?

    Did you see the 2 giant bucks on the hill at about the 1:43 mark?
  7. 360 0r Better

    New Mexico elk 2020

    Looks like perfect country for elk now you FIL can be the camp cook
  8. 360 0r Better

    Cooper Model 21 Varmit Extreeme

    Nice rifle but how many coyote pellts would it take to pay for itself?
  9. 360 0r Better

    Would you shoot it

    Guys trying to create racial divide
  10. 360 0r Better


    Only after catching it on a blue icee!
  11. 360 0r Better

    Nitto trail grapplers

    Can I get some of whatever your smoking too?
  12. 360 0r Better


    Boy as heavy as this 2 person fire cocoon is it better dang well keep us from burning when the fires break out! If not I’m taking it back for a refund.
  13. 360 0r Better


    dang the guys said meet at the new picnic table at 3 and it’s 4:30 where are they?!
  14. 360 0r Better


    A-holes everywhere to bad the water hole didn’t have a 4 to5 foot sink hole in the middle that would have made for some good pictures
  15. 360 0r Better

    RCBS reloading set up-SOLD

    Maybe if he had a Dillion for sale
  16. 360 0r Better

    BOLO: Stolen camp trailer from San Tan Valley

    Just a thought not saying it was but could it have been repossessed?
  17. 360 0r Better

    ISO Swarovski 10x42 HD’s

    There is a pair on OfferUp right now don’t know if they are exactly what you order looking for or not
  18. 360 0r Better

    The Portland Hotstepper

    Should have let him burn until he just had stubs left!
  19. 360 0r Better

    50 years ago today

    I was there when this happened just crossed that bridge not 2 minutes before the wall of water came down scary chit for sure
  20. 360 0r Better

    Swaro spotter on Craigslist

    Yah at that price it’s to cheap to not be stolen or it is a second or third owner and it has issues and Swarovski won’t fix it due to proof of ownership
  21. 360 0r Better

    FS Winchester Pre 64 Model 94's

    All 3 at once?
  22. 360 0r Better

    Wtb summer time coues cape

    Or any other critter you might be looking for! I believe he still has fines to pay off.
  23. 360 0r Better

    Big boy

    Here’s his sign!
  24. 360 0r Better

    Someone take my 3 girls hunting

    #1 is staring at the camera 🎥 so what kind of form is that?
  25. 360 0r Better

    A Note From Scout

    That’s what dew claws are for so unless they have been removed they have thumbs