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Everything posted by huntz

  1. huntz

    Ice fishing

    Any ice on the high elevation lakes yet?
  2. huntz

    Easy to draw

    Looking for a unit that you dont have to have lots of points to draw thanks
  3. huntz

    18A and 19B

    Are units 18a, 19b any good and are limited opportunity bull tags usually easy to draw
  4. huntz

    18A and 19B

    Ok thanks
  5. huntz

    Regs are out

    Decent as in lots of elk in the southern part of the unit
  6. huntz

    Regs are out

    Oh gotcha thx for the odds
  7. huntz

    Draw regs

    Flat lander Can I dm you
  8. huntz

    Draw regs

    Ok then I wont use it thanks for letting me know its not accurate
  9. huntz

    Regs are out

    Ok Ive heard it was a decent hunt
  10. huntz

    Regs are out

    How about 4b late archery with 2 pts
  11. huntz

    Regs are out

    4b early archery 2 points
  12. huntz

    Draw regs

    yea but in this years they had like 400 percent odds
  13. huntz

    Easy to draw units

    I was wondering what unit I could draw with two points Im not looking for big bulls just something my nephew could get for a first bull. Thanks guys
  14. huntz

    Easy to draw units

    Well Im not really looking for guaranteed draw just something I can feel better about
  15. huntz

    Easy to draw

    Yea haha
  16. huntz

    Easy to draw units

  17. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    Im looking for information on hunting units 31 32 Or 27 for archery. Never hunted coues before.
  18. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    I will put my information in Im not a scammer.
  19. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    ThomC I wasnt accusing you of lying
  20. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    Ok thanks
  21. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    And preferably 32
  22. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    I Manly just need help on how to hunt then not spots. Spot and stock, Hunt higher or lower elevations,or sitting water. Sorry I guess I shouldve explained my self better in the beginning
  23. huntz

    Unit 31/27/32

    sorry everyone im new to this but i know you guys are lying