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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    adequate coues rifle

    i personally use a remington 30-06. this gun topped with a good scope(leupold 3.5-10x50) shooting handloaded hot 125 grain bullets by my grandpa and i. this gun has taken the lives of 2 coues deer, one at 400 yards, one at less than 100. if you practice a lot with your gun and know where it shoots at what ranges then u will be ok. i reccomend not only shooting a lot from a bench but also taking your rifle out in the field and shoot at targets at both known and un known(guesstimated) ranges.as far as a magnum being over kill, like ernesto said theres no such thing. my dad shoots a 7mm ULTRA mag, this is a great gun for coues because it shoots so flat and carries knock down power so well and far. casey
  2. firstcoueswas80


    we usually use a motorolla when we hunt, we need to get the ear pieces because they are loud when buttons accidently get pushed or when the other guy calls at the wrong time. last year(03) when my hunting partner and myself knocked down our bucks, we called my dad back at camp and told him to get up the ridge and help us pack out the guns and backpacks, when we hunt and someone stays at camp, we use the gun shots as a sign to turn them on. its a good thing that we had them because we would have had a hard time carryin out the deer and our packs, docters, tripods, and rifles. casey
  3. firstcoueswas80

    Typical or Nontypical

    after the trip that i just got back from(school trip) 5 days backpacking in utah rainbow bridge. we hiked over 40 miles in 5 days and it was either straight up or straight down three miles aint shoot with that little weight on, my pack was over 80 pounds. but it would be nice to pack out a non typ. casey
  4. firstcoueswas80


    i would be more than happy to help ya out with the guide business. i am 18 and could be the work horse. this is of course if it doenst interfear with my own hunts and school. casey
  5. firstcoueswas80


    southpaw, i sent ya a pm casey
  6. firstcoueswas80

    What method you use?

    my dad and i usually leave the campsite around 15-30 mins before good light, this way we can atleast see if we spook anything, used to leave realy early but could hear to much game running away with no idea what it was. we usually only stay out till about 12 and come home get lunch and then go out around 2. my '03 "weener" buck was killed at 145 in the after noon, we went out earlier and they were up feeding when we spooked them, during the night hunt we either come home about a half hour before pitch back or leave where we are at sundown depending where we are. i know that we have packed out 3 elk shot right at the end of legal shooting hours and that is a pain to have to do. i would rather hunt hard in the morning and then use the evening to locate a buck and out him to bed. i tink that this year with all my newly acquired backpacking and camping gear that we are going to set up a spike camp in the back country and stay out for a few days at a time. that should be fun. casey
  7. firstcoueswas80

    Typical or Nontypical

    i dont know i would have to be there and make up my mind i really really like a beautiful totally symtratical(sp) buck, but i also like the look of a one of a kind trash going everywhere ugly as can be buck! it totally depeneds but prolly the nontyp casey
  8. firstcoueswas80

    Lion Experiences

    in 2002, my hunting partners son who is also a hunting partner had a realy kool/bizarre thing happen to him when he was hunting. he had 3 coues bucks 300 yards away, 2 100+ and a forkie. all of a sudden the two big ones run off. there like what the heck so westin shoots the forkie, he hits him a lil far back but he doesnt run he kinda jumps and then walks towards this tree, all of a sudden this lion jumps on the deer and grabs him around the neck, they say that from 300 yards they could hear this deer dying, this is like the only year they didnt have a lion tag on them., they were shootin about 20 yards away from the lino trying to get it off and he didn move. when they walked up to the lion, he sat there about 10 yards away while they gutted it. westin kept his gun ready while his dad gtted the deer. i think that would be a really cool experience. casey
  9. firstcoueswas80

    Rattlesnakes in Coues Country

    my grandpa nearly stepped on about a 4-5 footer a few years back at night. said it took 10 years off his life casey
  10. firstcoueswas80

    What unit to apply for?

    my personal favorite spot is 36b, have some places in there that are what i call "ace in the hole" spots. also, have you check out 34a? i believe it might have faced too much hunting pressure in the past but still has some trophy deer, such as the world record pope and young typical casey
  11. firstcoueswas80

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    id also like to see the pictures ccrider4t4@aol.com or coueskiller56@aol.com casey
  12. firstcoueswas80

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    i have a story that happened to me this year(03) after i had tagged out. i wasnt bow hunting but it shows how good of vision deer have. my dad was still hunting and they decided to go to a certain spot and send me back to go get the truck and pick them up. wel while walking back, i had to cross a few smaller sized canyons. in one of these i jumped a mature doe. instictivly, i dropped by a bush, but i tried something i had never done, i let out a mouth made bleeat, it actually worked, the doe stopped dead in her tracks at about 30 yards. she was facing directly away from me, remember i am kneeled beside a bush in full camo. i slowly reach for my binos and lift them up to see if its a buck or a doe. she imedieatly pinpoints me! i moved slow and she had me right away! she then bolted and was gone. thats amazing that she was directly away from me, i was camoed up, moved slolwy and next to a bush. just goes to show how good of eyesight they have! casey