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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    Anyone hunting with new firearms this season?

    i have a old 721 in 270 also. it has been in the safe for a while, this year it is wearing a new scope and will get to be the back up gun, this gun has some ral character to it, has a nice scratch from when my grandpa had in on a moose hunt in i dont remember where but he had it right next to his leg and a bear came in camp and scared the horses. the horses hoof laid about a 6-7" cut in the stock instead of my grandpas leg, this gun is my favorite gun that we own, and is irrplacable to my father and i.
  2. firstcoueswas80

    Coues Whitetail .Com Record book

    i second voting for Amanda. what about being printed should the book be printed after each year of hunting? casey
  3. firstcoueswas80

    36B 2003 PICS

    i think they may have been triplets, i shot my first one in 02 that looked exactly like that, whats the gross? i say about 84, 85, mine grossed 84 casey
  4. firstcoueswas80

    Coues Whitetail .Com Record book

    heck yeah im down. that way i could brag to other hunters that i shot a coues and its in "the book" how are thet gonna now if its B&C 110"+ or the coueswitetail.com book where anything gfrom 5"-150" can be in it!!!
  5. " Is it November yet?" AMEN TO THAT!!!! man im sittin here at NAU and im going insane!!!! i have my 30-06 and the 270 checked in the police station and i have my alpens up here and by back is itchin like none other but i have no way to scratch it!!!!!!! not till nov. 10, when i leave here fro tucson, then to arivaca to shoot a 112 3/8 and glass up a 115 7/8 for my ole man, hows that sound? Casey
  6. firstcoueswas80

    Need advice on handguns

    I dont know if what im going to tell you is what your looking for, but i bought a Springfield arms xd-40 from gunbroker.com for $400(retail is 499) and I LOVE THIS GUN!!!!! i got the od green color, and it has some sort of grip on it with finger grooves and it fits mn hand perfect! i have shot about 600 round sthrough it and the only time it jammed was on the 300th shot of the day with no cleaning during the shoting time. it is very very accurate and fits my hand perfect. the thing that is awesome of the gun is that springfield arms also make a sub compact model, and the service model and the sub compact model both use the same magizines. the gun comes in a hard carrying case with 2 magazines. i love mine and next to my couse killer, and the 30-30 i inherited when my grandfather passed(sentimental value) it is my favorite guin and, for a 19 year old i have quite a few. they come in .9mm, .10 mm, .40 S&W, .357 sig i have the .40 and boxes of 100 can be bought at wally world for about 20$ Casey
  7. firstcoueswas80


    not big 105-110???? i would give my left nut for me to shoot a 110 and my right one for my dad to shoot a 105, with them standin side by side casey
  8. firstcoueswas80

    Secrets to Josh's success?

    Josh, i know wht you mean about Jim Reynolds sheds he has some monsters!!! he is a lucky man gettin to spend so much time out there. casey
  9. firstcoueswas80

    Scent Vs. Noise

    there he is, a monster 120" 1,000 yards away. as you close the distance down to a mere 400 yards, you think to yourself, can he hear me? can he smell me? so which is more important here from 300-400 yards, is it better to be quiet or to not have any stench?
  10. firstcoueswas80


    110orbust, i would agree with ya, my grandfather bout stepped on a big ole bastard a few years ago, the next day my dad made a 250 yard shot on a runnin coues dropped him with one shot.havent seen one since, and dad hasnt killed a buck since, but i have killed 2. he has had chances but missd they were loooooonng shots. casey
  11. firstcoueswas80


    what my dad and i usually do, and what ill be doing when i hunt a lone, is i/we will walk for about a hour and a half, two hours then sit on a big hill and glass our buts off then if we do find some deer we will watch and see what they do. and if not, we will move to a different spot and repeat. casey
  12. firstcoueswas80

    Scent Vs. Noise

    the reason i asked this is because it is a good question. myself, i am not a very quiet hiker(people 6'2 275 tend to be a bit clumsy) but my dad and i always put on cover scent, and when possible run cow poop on our boots and cedar trees on our clothes. i know sometimes that noise can work in your favor ie. jumping deer from their beds or from a canyon gettin a quick shot. casey
  13. firstcoueswas80

    36C bruisers

    Tucson John, do you know anything about the BP, do you know that they have shifts working at night? i bet you didnt even know that. as for Scottyboy, he is a buddy of mine and i know he works his butt off in the field. Scott, dont be given ou any spots for 36b, (especially the one u called me about the other day) cause thats my unit. when is your 33 tag??? its in nivember isnt it?? casey
  14. firstcoueswas80


    i didnt get one, send agian please Ccrider4t4@aol.com casey
  15. This weekend i was at home and my dad and i went shooting. i was shooting federal vital shock in 165 grain. the bullet is a trophy bonded bear claw. my gun shot it VERY well and seems to like 165 grain bullest the best. federal claims this load to reach speeds of 3,000 fps, what i wanna know is a 165 grain bullet that fast too much bullet for a coues? will the bullet open up at all or is a coues too light for that bullet? casey
  16. firstcoueswas80


    My truck is a 88 ford f-150 white with a blue camper shell and there will probably be a old jeep truck there. the chances of my dad and i being seen where we hunt is kinda unlikely, we camp waaaay back there, near bear grass tank, thats where i killed my 80 incher. there will be atleast two 130 inchers in camp hanging so if you see them stop on by, heck even if there outta view stop on by, well always offer a beer and talk hunting casey
  17. firstcoueswas80


    you shouldnt hunt in 36b theres 1000 hunters and 0 deer, put in for 36c or a, but not 36b worst unit in the world dont hunt there its bad! Casey
  18. firstcoueswas80

    Favorite Deer Gun

    how did the elk walk if both of his front shoulders were broken? seems impossible to me casey
  19. firstcoueswas80

    Favorite Deer Gun

    i agree with there being no 30-06 why not? casey
  20. firstcoueswas80

    mexico gun permits

    Doesnt it cose somewhere around 500 to get a gun into mexico? casey
  21. firstcoueswas80

    found bear

    Arizona Guide, what the heck gives u the right to assume that the person that shot this bear didnt put forth the time and effort to look for it? because it was lost and not found that makes it ok to assume that the hunter is lazy not sickened by not finding this bear? that pisses me off that you think you have the right to assume something about a hunter who you have no idea who it is. casey
  22. firstcoueswas80

    Coues with a 30-06

    i shoot a 30-06, this gun is my baby so i know it and shoot it well. my grandpa and i hand load my bullets 2 grains hot which gives me about 100-150 more fps withouth causing damage to the gun. i shoot 125 grain ballastic tips. my first deer, i shot through the shoulder at 400+yards and it totally blew out the frnt shoulder and dropped him(it wasnt the first shot). this load is what i shoot for coues no mater what. im my opnion, besides lots of practice, good glass is the most important part of shoting well, if u cant see it you cant shoot it casey
  23. firstcoueswas80

    !!!!!!!RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!

    got the usual, the 36b november hunt and i am very happy. didnt draw my 6a cow tag but hey im happy i get to chase my favorite with my dad. casey
  24. firstcoueswas80

    ruger .204

    i agree with everyone. i also think that the bullet is to light, maybe if the grain of bullet got into the 100 + catergory, but then it would be like shotting a 243. i was just kind of curius as to what everyone had to say about this cartridge. looks intresting but not like its gonna be for a hunter at all. casey
  25. firstcoueswas80

    ruger .204

    have you seen the ballistics on this gun! 4,225 FPS!!! has anyone thought about using this for coues? the only thing thats not good is it shoots a 32 grain bullet at that speed. i dont think that this is enough to take out a coues, but what if you shot a 50-70 grain bullet? would anyone think about using this for a coues gun?just curoius casey