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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    What unit to apply for?

    my personal favorite spot is 36b, have some places in there that are what i call "ace in the hole" spots. also, have you check out 34a? i believe it might have faced too much hunting pressure in the past but still has some trophy deer, such as the world record pope and young typical casey
  2. firstcoueswas80

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    id also like to see the pictures ccrider4t4@aol.com or coueskiller56@aol.com casey
  3. firstcoueswas80

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    i have a story that happened to me this year(03) after i had tagged out. i wasnt bow hunting but it shows how good of vision deer have. my dad was still hunting and they decided to go to a certain spot and send me back to go get the truck and pick them up. wel while walking back, i had to cross a few smaller sized canyons. in one of these i jumped a mature doe. instictivly, i dropped by a bush, but i tried something i had never done, i let out a mouth made bleeat, it actually worked, the doe stopped dead in her tracks at about 30 yards. she was facing directly away from me, remember i am kneeled beside a bush in full camo. i slowly reach for my binos and lift them up to see if its a buck or a doe. she imedieatly pinpoints me! i moved slow and she had me right away! she then bolted and was gone. thats amazing that she was directly away from me, i was camoed up, moved slolwy and next to a bush. just goes to show how good of eyesight they have! casey