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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    Walk on by..

    i have seen a doe and a fawn dang near lay on top of each other. my dad also missed a 90-95" that jumped up a foot in front of him, like shootin a big butt quail!
  2. firstcoueswas80

    300 win short

    coues krazy, when replying, try just hitting "add reply" this way there is no quote and you do no have to post twice.
  3. firstcoueswas80

    How far do you hike??

    it depends for me, my dad is an old man (nearly 50) with arthritus(sp) in his hips so we cant walk all that far but he still does pretty well. for the most part we let our big glass do the walking for us but we have been known to put 3-4 miles between us and the truck. it also depends where we hunt, in one of our honey holes, the best glassing spot isnt more than 1/4 mile from camp and the area to hunt is not that big. in another one of our spots, we have a TON of ground to cover so we usually lace the boots up nice and tight when we hunt there.
  4. firstcoueswas80

    rifle choice for the year

    alright, i have a few choices. for coues, i am 100%sure i am taking my new 270 wsm (unless it dont shoot worth a dang!!!) but for elk and/ or antelope if i get drawn what should i shoot? i was thinkin for elk the 30-06 with the 180 grain accubonds it shoots so well, but if i dont get a coues with the new wsm, i want to break it in for sure! then theres also my old 270 i got from my grandpa, and theres my .308 that i killed my first 2 elk with. but antelope if i get drawn is between the 270 wsm and the 270. pretty sure the wsm wins that one, what do you all think i should do??? thanks
  5. firstcoueswas80

    Bonus Points.....how many?

    deer: 1 elk: 4 or 5? lope:1 basically i have atleast one for everything, took hunters safety course hope to draw a december 36b tag and i really think i will have this guy feeling! heck, maybe im just hungry, which is very possible.
  6. firstcoueswas80

    Big Bucks

    i aint gonna even post about CHd, he aint work my time, but i did manage to donate 12 dollars to amanda, dont any of u guys laught or say thats nothing, remeber i am in college so thats 1.5 pizzas, or a 30 back of PBR
  7. sent amanda a few pix of my half dog, half cat mix, i will fill info in when it posts.
  8. firstcoueswas80

    Permit Aps Mailed Off

    deer: 36b dec, 36b oct 365b nov I think thats what dads doin elk: 1 early rifle bull(yeah right) 6a cow sped goat: unit 1 rifle, unit 6a rifle i hope i draw a deer and a elk tag and i will be happy! i want december deer and the cow elk tag!
  9. firstcoueswas80

    how many coues?

    i have taken 2 coues, one being 80 of course, and the other being about 40, but the 40 incher had some neat chartestics to him. this year, i am shooing the first branch antlered deer i see also, 3 points or more on each side. gotta break the 270 wsm in! dad will be shooting the first branch antler he sees also, i will make him!
  10. firstcoueswas80

    Gett'n old

    i do the same thing bret does, my best times is about 4 miles back to the truck in 25 mins. but seriously i really do just throw them over my shoulder and go. i dont know who has it worse, me or dad. he has to carry my gun back and binos along with his stuff also. it is pretty sunny to see the old man with all that tied around h is big ole gut!
  11. firstcoueswas80

    Your fav Rifle

    i do believe you are right, get that bad boy a new scope and it will be ready to go! has a cheap simmons on it now and still shoots lights out!
  12. firstcoueswas80

    Gett'n old

    seeings as how i am only 19, almost 20 i am naturally in better shape then you OLD farts but seriously i am a tub o goo, one tub o goo who happens to be 6'3 275 and strong as an ox(maybe thats why they call me ox at work???) i used to keep in shape with football, baseball and wrestling but since those high school days are over i have to change it. as it is, i lift a lot and walk prolly 10+ miles a day at work but when it comes deer season, it depends on the tag for some reason. i usually run 2-3 miles a day, usually with my dog and usually in 110+ heat in tucson ( i too love running in the sun, i love to see how disgustingly sweaty i can be!) but not that i am in flag, it is even better! i get to traing at 7,000 feet and hunt around 3500-4000. i will start runnin hills, and just plain ole runnin with my pup here in about june. lifting weights also helps for sure, makes it easier to pack out the 130" im gonna shoot this year. last year, when i was in the dorms, i would load up my backpack with all of my books and run all 7 flights of stairs, that sure helped! ya know what, i think im gonna go for a run right now! gott go.
  13. firstcoueswas80

    Your fav Rifle

    WOW that is reallllly tough for me! i have a few in no certain order: 1. the 60+ year old 721 in 270 tack driver i got when m y grandpa passed. lots of character, and storied behing that rifle. 2. my first big game rifle, savage 99e .308 that i killed my first 2 big game animals with that i have since given to my brother. 3. my first rifle i bought, remintgon 700 mountail rifle in 30-06, 3.5-10x50 stailness leupold on it. 4. most recent, and gonna be my favorite prolly mauser 98 action 270 wsm custom made thumbhole stock rifle, leupold 4.5-14x40 varmint reticle toppin it off. it is a tough decesion for me! help me decide!
  14. firstcoueswas80

    He's a keeper!

    congrats, children are fun! i am only 19 and have helped raise three of them and i wouldnt trade the time spent with them for all of the 130+ inchers in mexico!
  15. firstcoueswas80

    What's a trophy to you?

    the biggest one that i have taken scored 84. this past hunt, i was aiming for 90+ and never saw him. i had several small spikes and forks within 200 yards more than 3 times. what i usually do, depending on the hunt and how long i have is go from there, first couple days try and find a bigun, and then after that i adjust from what i have seen, but for sure, last day of the hunt is anything with antlers! i think the definition of a trophy changes dramitcally person to person, if the animal is one that you busted your butt for then that is a trohpy. i had my 84 incher mounted because he was my first deer, i worked my butt of for 6 years for him and i finally got a deer. trophy for sure has to do with the size of the antlers, but that is not the only thing that it has to do with. what ever you think is a trophy, is a trophy, there is no right or wrong answers!
  16. firstcoueswas80


    i think that this will be the year also, me with my new zeiss, and my new 270 wsm and all of the rain. archery hunted the area we rifle hunted this year in janurary and got dad within 20 of a 90-95" he was a big ole boy and will look great on the wall next to my 80.
  17. firstcoueswas80

    For you CHD

    well, even though they h avent worked, i have seem them and they are BAD butt he has some awesome pics and even better vides! he has been on some hunts let me tell ya! but, he still hasnt been able to kill a ocues
  18. firstcoueswas80

    any body been out fishin

    forgot, dad went to roosevelt this weekend, caught 2 fish in about 6 hours, his buddy caught like 4 crappie all day.
  19. firstcoueswas80

    any body been out fishin

    my dad and i are planning a trip for the black river may 17th throuh the 20th, first time i went there it was a 40 fish a day, 2nd it was about 15-10. last time i was there i caught 10 in 2.5 days, dad caught bout 20
  20. firstcoueswas80

    april fools

    lol how did i get brought into this AMANDA???? lol give me 200$ and about 45 mins and ull be good as new!
  21. firstcoueswas80


    awesome! good job! i know it would have been hard for me to wait for the cops if i had my xd-40 there with me, i would have been tempted to take matters into my own hands but you did the best thing for sure.
  22. firstcoueswas80

    gona spend some cash

    i am gettin my 270 wsm tomorrow! i am looking forward to it, i think its gonna be a good gun. as of right now i am gonna top it with my 3-9x32 alpen but am looking at a 4-12x40 leupold or 3-9x40 zeiss conquest. i am going to shoot 140 grain accubonds form the 24 inch tube. the 25wsm looks interesting as does the 7mmsaum! good luck with you choice and let us know. PS winchester has some nice looking model 70's that are camo stock and stainless barrel.
  23. firstcoueswas80


    LOL Lark, you said the same thing to me! but i guess it is true, how ever its better to spend money on guns than flowers for a girl! trust me, i just did and and i still have the gun, but not the girl!
  24. firstcoueswas80

    .243 or .308

    i have killed elk with my 308, with no problem, if it was between only those two i would say the 308 because you have a lot of options as far as ammo. if it is not just those two i would consider the 30-06 that is what i shoot and there are also a lot of optiions with that, i can shoot anywhere between 125 gr and 180 gr. good luck with what ever you go with!
  25. firstcoueswas80

    Hunter finds corpse

    i dont really have a story about this and i hope i never do. a guy that i want with's dad back in the day had to go out into 34a and actualy find a hunter. the hunter was one of his friends who was kind of high in age. he eventually found the man, laying on a 100" 3x3 apperently he had had a heart attack while taking a nap from packing out his deer. he had 4 miles to go till their usual camp ground.