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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Look up goober in the dictionary, and you'll see Bob.
  2. firstcoueswas80

    Optics Setup

    What's the cost? I would love to use my NLs and STX on something like that!
  3. firstcoueswas80

    Optics Setup

    That would be pretty sweet! Likely too geavy for my outdoorsmans head though.
  4. firstcoueswas80

    Looking for car hauler

    Ah yes. I remember. Glad it's driving tacks!
  5. firstcoueswas80

    Looking for car hauler

    No, moved from there after rhe divorce. I'm off of twin peaks now. Which 22-250 was it? The Remington 700 SPS?
  6. firstcoueswas80

    Looking for car hauler

    The outlets in Marana are less than 5 minutes from my house, if that's anything that helps.
  7. firstcoueswas80

    Looking for car hauler

    If you can find the trailer and cover expenses, I'm in to get my Cummins some work.
  8. firstcoueswas80

    What's for dinner tonight?

    This might be your best post ever. What hunting info do you need? You out hunt your guides all the time.
  9. firstcoueswas80

    2023 youth gun giveaway

    Makes me happy seeing those cases about to go to a kid instead of collecting dust in my storage!
  10. firstcoueswas80

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    Elk burger, with bacon, Swiss, and a fresh roasted green chili. Delish.
  11. firstcoueswas80

    Lost Dogs - FOUND!

    Honestly, that's probably really close to the truth!
  12. firstcoueswas80

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    That sauce looks good. How can I get some?
  13. firstcoueswas80

    Lost Dogs - FOUND!

    Thats amazing. If dogs could write, I'd love to hear the story.
  14. firstcoueswas80

    Wanted 20 qt rtic or the like

    Looking for the above for the RZR. Doesn't have to be Rtic, any of that style will work. Looking to Penny pinch a little after the big purchase.
  15. firstcoueswas80

    Early hunts

    Stanley, that sounds like the definition of "you can't kill a bear from the couch." Nicely done.
  16. firstcoueswas80

    WTT/WTS Springfield National Match-Traded

    It's really not bad with the heavy frame and 6" barrel. My 10 year old has shot it.
  17. firstcoueswas80

    WTT/WTS Springfield National Match-Traded

    How about a glock 40?
  18. firstcoueswas80


    How much
  19. firstcoueswas80

    left handed,custom stocked encore in 7mmstw

    If "how NOT to sell a gun" was a class....
  20. firstcoueswas80

    36b october hunt

    It's going to be hot af and the moon is terrible..be prepared to be frustrated, deer will all but stop moving by 730 or so.
  21. firstcoueswas80

    CCI 250's Needed

    If you were in Tucson I'd hook you up.
  22. firstcoueswas80

    AKC silver and charcoal lab puppies only on left

    Gal pal picked up a male charcoal from this litter yesterday. He's a handsome boy!
  23. firstcoueswas80

    Manfrotto 700RC2 panhead. SOLD

    I'm NW as well. I'll text ya tomorrow.
  24. firstcoueswas80

    Manfrotto 700RC2 panhead. SOLD

    I'll take this..I've been looking for one for my son that he called glass from and shoot his rifle.from.
  25. firstcoueswas80

    Pointless Scouting?

    (I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic)