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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    WTT/WTS Springfield National Match-Traded

    How about a glock 40?
  2. firstcoueswas80


    How much
  3. firstcoueswas80

    left handed,custom stocked encore in 7mmstw

    If "how NOT to sell a gun" was a class....
  4. firstcoueswas80

    36b october hunt

    It's going to be hot af and the moon is terrible..be prepared to be frustrated, deer will all but stop moving by 730 or so.
  5. firstcoueswas80

    CCI 250's Needed

    If you were in Tucson I'd hook you up.
  6. firstcoueswas80

    AKC silver and charcoal lab puppies only on left

    Gal pal picked up a male charcoal from this litter yesterday. He's a handsome boy!
  7. firstcoueswas80

    Manfrotto 700RC2 panhead. SOLD

    I'm NW as well. I'll text ya tomorrow.
  8. firstcoueswas80

    Manfrotto 700RC2 panhead. SOLD

    I'll take this..I've been looking for one for my son that he called glass from and shoot his rifle.from.
  9. firstcoueswas80

    Pointless Scouting?

    (I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic)
  10. firstcoueswas80

    Pointless Scouting?

    Thats the beauty of hunting in a buddy's home unit!
  11. firstcoueswas80

    Colorado Brown Trout

    Quit being dramatic gramps! You were fine!
  12. firstcoueswas80

    Pointless Scouting?

    Any excuse to get out of the heat. The elk might change but the roads won't.
  13. firstcoueswas80

    Mexico coues deer tags

    heck yeah let's do it!
  14. firstcoueswas80

    Beretta A390? Yes, no?

    For what it's worth, my Versamax has been the best semi I've ever used. Granted my experience is limited, but I absolutely love the thing. Ducks, cranes, turkey, dove. It's handled them all.
  15. firstcoueswas80

    Water proofing your hunting gear.

    There are so many "covers" available. That's the way I would go.
  16. firstcoueswas80

    Mexico coues deer tags

    Any pictures of past deer from the ranch?
  17. firstcoueswas80

    Mexico coues deer tags

  18. firstcoueswas80

    Cow elk skull by maceration

    You sissies clearly haven't been around enough dead bodies in the desert.
  19. firstcoueswas80

    Springfield XDS 9mm $375- SOLD

    Great pistol and great price. My CCW pistol as well.
  20. firstcoueswas80

    Busted up Wen 3800 watt generator $50

    I'm Tucson. I'll pick it up.
  21. firstcoueswas80

    Monsoon Action

    We got some good rain at the ballpark in Marana. Head south to the house, just enough to get the car dirty. 😡😡🤬🤬
  22. firstcoueswas80

    Time Flies; CouesWhitetail.com

  23. firstcoueswas80

    Time Flies; CouesWhitetail.com

    20 years this December. Member 160? 162? Something like that if memory serves.
  24. firstcoueswas80

    FS - Ruger SR 1911 - SOLD

    Thats a great price.
  25. firstcoueswas80


    I have a something that will work.