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About wwdorsett

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  1. wwdorsett

    North of the River Muley's

    ok since no one else has posted anything in any of the "we want to see North of the Ditch pics". Went with a friend who had the late tag. This was a Thanksgiving day buck. Green scored at 210+
  2. wwdorsett

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    Yah, 33 sheep points didn't get drawn either. I keep looking at the bright side. I'm not in my 80s yet.
  3. wwdorsett

    Arizona regulations / statutes

    Page 22 and specific for National wildlife refuge.
  4. wwdorsett

    Tragedy and blame

    They eye catcher for me was G$F got pulled into this game. Jurisdiction. Normally it is where it happened. Sue the State or State Agency and by law original jurisdiction is Maricopa County. If you were a plaintiff's attorney would you want a Navajo County jury or a Maricopa County jury hearing the case? Ok likelihood of trial is about 0 percent but.
  5. wwdorsett

    North of the Ditch hunts

    I guess if your old enough the bab takes pitty on you. And you dont know how to load pictures upright.
  6. wwdorsett

    WTB POF upper long barrel

    I am looking for a POF Upper in both 556 and 7.62. Long barrel only.