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About GRuiz

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  1. GRuiz

    Brothers Desert Bighorn

    bonecollector777 Thanks, I am familiar with the area, Merry Christmas!
  2. GRuiz

    Brothers Desert Bighorn

    And that my friends is why I appreciate Troy Scott...
  3. GRuiz

    Brothers Desert Bighorn

    bonecollector777 if its not too big a pain, can you send the kill location to my E-mail (as close as you can describe it) thanks so much... GRuiz oorah_dad@yahoo.com
  4. GRuiz

    Brothers Desert Bighorn

    I'm glad you had a good hunt and are pleased with the beautiful animal you (your Brother) decided to shoot. I didn't mean to open a can of worms by asking the score. I shot my ram in the same unit based on the fact that I loved his look and the score was secondary. I was curious about the location only because I have most of the kills in that unit marked on a map and was looking to helping future hunters in that unit, the same way previous hunters helped me. The five veterans of the unit ALL wanted to help and we were disappointed no-one reached out for help. The bighorn sheep hunt is a wonderful opportunity, and it's fun to help the next guy. The same guys who helped me, helped the hunter in 2015, and he too held out for the ram he wanted with no regards to score. We were looking to be a part of the hunt in 2016, and indeed I had the opportunity to help look for "curly", but everyone involved in the hunt in 2016 cooperated and helped each other, and I know that the hunter that shot the ram (165ish) was pleased with his choice, because I have his photograph smiling ear to ear. As for "curly" what better Ram to take than one that had contributed so much to the gene pool and was at the end of his life? Where he spent his time in no way diminished how truly magnificent an animal he was. Looking forward to meeting you or you brother at the sheep banquet next year. Congratulations to both of you!
  5. GRuiz

    Brothers Desert Bighorn

    Really nice ram, On my hunt in the same unit, I had four veterans of the unit help. really fun hunt. What did your ram end up scoring? The photo looks to be on the north side of the unit, what area was he taken?