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Everything posted by Verndog

  1. Verndog

    older coues deer

    Great buck! Congrats......Verndog
  2. Verndog

    More Great Work From Mogollon Taxidery

    Thanks guys! Lori
  3. Verndog

    Joes's 2010 Coues

    Great buck.....congrats!
  4. Verndog

    She Shoots...She SCORES!!

    Great deer Amanda. Congrats!
  5. Verndog

    Last day, last hour buck!

    Awesome! Love those drop tines!
  6. Verndog

    Wife's First Buck

    Great work! Congrats to your wife on a very good first deer!
  7. Verndog

    dad not letting me hunt

    Sorry....school, grades and responsibilites first! Like many have already said, I bet it hurts your Dad more than anything to do it, but I believe he's doing the right thing. Though you may not think now, you'll thank him for it later in life. Hurry and get the grades up and then get out in the woods! You'll feel better about it.
  8. Verndog

    spring draw results are out.

    Me: Unit 33/37B Archery piggy Unit 1 Gobbler Wife: Unit 33 Rifle piggy Unit 1 Gobbler Congrats to all those lucky ones!
  9. Verndog

    Rocket Broadheads

    Yup.....love them!
  10. As always.....beautiful job Clay. Now I really can't wait to see my coati!!!!!!!!!!1
  11. Verndog

    Az lion 10/8/2010

    Great job Clayton. D sent me that picture yesterday! Vern Havens
  12. Verndog

    Processing FAQ's

    Great job Jeremy.....Look forward to bringing in something someday! How's dad? Vern
  13. Verndog

    Some of my Woods Class Project's

    A hat rack like that would look ggggrrreeeaaat in Oracle!
  14. Verndog


    Have you looked at the Axcel Armortech? Just another idea, but a great sight!
  15. Verndog

    My First Speed Goat!!!!!!

    After so, so many years, I finally drew my first antelope tag ever! And of course I drew in a tough unit, with some really good goats but alot of private property. The biggest goat I saw was probably 82-83". Simply a toad, but he also had 20 other eyes helping him out all the time! The other issue with this unit, is there is no cover. None, at least where I was primarly hunting. So it was long belly crawl stalks, hiding behind 10" tumbleweeds and lots of frustration! Stalk after stalk I just couldn't close the distance past about 120 yards. These are some amazing creatures of God with some wicked senses! One of my last stalks was 651 yards in the broad open plain that took 4 hours and 39 minutes only to not be able to take the 109 yard shot due to 3 does being in very close proximity of that 82-83 buck. But it all worked out. I took this buck on Friday morning at an amazing 62 yards as he looked at me. Yes, though not taught to take it, I took the head on shot, feeling really comfortable that I could put it in the boiler room. He went 65 yards and piled up. My Mathews Z7 came through again. I'm truly happy at this first antelope and archery non the less! Thanks to my better half and best friend for letting me do what I enjoy the most. Being in the wild. Also, thanks to my good friend at Round Valley Arms for helping a brother out. Just a couple of pics before I had a chance to get them all downloaded. Thanks guys for looking. Vern
  16. Verndog

    Big Antelope from Unit 10!

    Wow! What an awesome speed goat! What a trophy after 30 years. Congrats! Can't wait to see more pics.
  17. Verndog

    Scorpion pic

    Alright, I messed up. Showed that to the wife. I never show her the ones that I find when looking with the blacklight flashlight cuz I know she'll get creeped out......guess I'll be spraying again too!
  18. Verndog

    my first deer with a bow

    Great job.....Congrats!
  19. Verndog

    Got My Goat

    Congratulations! That is one awesome goat! Great job! Vern
  20. Verndog

    First Deer of August 2010 Archery hunt

    Tell him awesome job! Congrats!
  21. Verndog

    My First Speed Goat!!!!!!

    Thanks for all your help Dave and for taking time away from your family that day for a day of goat scouting. It was appreciated! Vern
  22. Verndog

    Velvet Antlers

    I know off the current topic, but mentioned within it. What are you using to debug your mounts? Vern
  23. Verndog

    Travis Mitchell and family

    Great Job Payson! Wouldn't expect anything else! Vern