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The Last Wood

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  1. The Last Wood

    A dungeon post

    Can someone pm me the password too? Thanks
  2. I hate when people say "folks" it always makes me think of Obama
  3. again, i think I'll do as I please. Let me know how long you want to continue the pissing contest before we get back to more relevant conversation. A newbie with 29 posts such as this in a day. Such a way to win friends and influence people! I actually think he is being quite open-minded as far as being willing to support issues other than auctioning tags even though he thinks it's necessary.
  4. Not saying we shouldn't fight but I think we are already screwed when it comes to the next generation. 40 years ago if you were in Arizona guns and hunting wad likely okay with you. Now so many people live in the conglomerate inner city they are detached from nature completely but think they are the enlightened ones because they hashtag Tilikum and think eating carrots is murder
  5. I'm glad to hear hunting stores may be into donating. As said before, the industry ad well as hunters should be the ones to financially support the political fight. Cabellas, Leopold, Remington, federal etc, could/should all be helping as it is in their best interest for hunting to remain free
  6. Even if more tags for auction are absolutely necessary to raise money for education of the public couldn't g&f just raise the number of tags that are given to the organizations that already receive them? Or does this new group feel like they need their own auction tags to gain legitimacy for fundraising on the political side of the org?
  7. So now they are admitting the tag money wont be used for anything political and they will raise money from other sources for political endeavors, they would have stopped a lot of skepticism from rising if this was said in the beginning but now it makes it look even more shady. So the game and fish doesn't need conserve and protect to raise money for education, and CPA will raise money for politics by other means, then why do they need the tags at all. I feel they just want to start another group that gets to sell tags and are trying to make it look like we need them. I'm 100% for them using donations to fight for hunters. But can't see why they should get any tags to auction. And now they have made themselves look dishonest in my opinion.
  8. The Last Wood

    Conserve and Protect AZ SURVEY/

    If you don't want to answer a question just select "other" and you can put anything you want
  9. But azelk you just said the entire amount of the tag sales goes to go and your understanding is that any other organization would do the same thing. None of the money is to be held by the group. So where does this money go then?
  10. The Last Wood

    G&F new TAG printings

    I thought that's where you write your pin number so you don't forget it
  11. I hope everyone likes vegan kale cupcakes
  12. If the money from new auction tags goes to the same place as the money from existing auction tags and that money already can't be used the way the new guys want it to be used then why is this needed at all
  13. I guess this means bake sale! 21 pages is nearing the end of my attention span. I think most valid points have been made and argued
  14. The Last Wood

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    But he didn't care what Putin or anyone else threatened he did it anyways. Maybe it was mostly symbolic but that is important too
  15. The Last Wood

    ADA monthly board meeting

    Can I show up in my pussy hat and throw things?