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high rise hunter

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Everything posted by high rise hunter

  1. high rise hunter

    Draw results are up in the portal

    Got room in the boat?
  2. high rise hunter

    Deer draw bonus pass

    The early hunt was 13 points, December hunt took 17.
  3. high rise hunter

    Draw Results Come Early this Year?!!

    Sadly, very true. I remember when I first started applying having 10-12 points seemed like a lot. Now that number is more like 18+. Eventually lightning will strike but it will likely be a long road.
  4. high rise hunter

    Draw Results Come Early this Year?!!

    I'm 1 short at 10, can we make an exception?
  5. high rise hunter

    Draw Results Come Early this Year?!!

    Nothing here. At least after year in, year out of not drawing the disappointment of not is starting to wane.
  6. high rise hunter

    2024 Bucks

    Some great bucks! That must have been a load of fun.
  7. high rise hunter

    Draw Results Come Early this Year?!!

    I don't know why I ever get excited for draw results. It's never anything but disappointment from AZGFD for me..
  8. high rise hunter

    Recognize mountains?

    Certainly the Eagletails. I use to spend a decent amount of time in there-- rugged indeed.
  9. high rise hunter

    Jan javelina activity?

    I saw so many javelina this last week. Honestly more than I've seen in the last 5 years collectively. Not sure if it's the short grass or what but I noticed once the sun hits in the morning they were out. Did see herds on their feet at all times of the day though.
  10. high rise hunter

    Kowa shipped from Japan?

    I've never purchased anything on Ebay sold and shipped from Japan. I don't see any red flags in doing so. I've bought a few Kowa optics in Japan since I travel there frequently but I am curious if Ebay will have you pay any duties?
  11. high rise hunter


    Assuming this is on public land I don’t like how this note is written. Anyone can legally hunt from that blind outfitter owned or not. Better to just say, “This blind belongs to TNT—we will have clients in-and-out of here from 12/15 -12/31. If you happen to kill anything over this water please share with us at at…(contact info)."
  12. high rise hunter

    Sitting water on a full moon

    I think this raining coming on Friday is going to smash hopes of killing bucks over water. Reiterating what CouesPursuit said, sitting in a blind over water is going to be the most effective with a young one tagging along. I say, roll the dice and sit some water--only need 1 to show up.
  13. high rise hunter

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    There is an app I recently found for viewing quotas and which units are open/closed, that's much easier to view than the AZGFD site. Search the App Store: AZHuntQuota and it should come up.
  14. high rise hunter

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    Ditto. All the character, doesn't any better! Congrats @standman!
  15. high rise hunter

    Some 3A BS

    I didn't see the Facebook response but here is what I sent off if anyone would like to use as a quick template: Dear Arizona Game and Fish Department, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent changes in hunting regulations for Unit 3A, specifically the modification of boundary descriptions that affect elk and antelope hunts. The decision to convert a significant portion of Unit 3A to over-the-counter (OTC) tags, influenced by local rancher requests, has raised serious issues related to the privatization and commercialization of hunting in this area. I understand that the Elkins ranch has entered into an exclusive access agreement with an outfitter, who is now selling OTC hunts at a high cost. This arrangement not only goes against the principles of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, which emphasizes public access to wildlife resources, but also limits opportunities for average hunters who cannot afford such high fees. The spirit of fair chase and equal opportunity, which are core to our hunting heritage, are being compromised. It is disheartening to see a public resource being utilized for private gain, especially when it restricts access for the broader hunting community. I urge the AZGFD to reconsider these changes and close elk hunting in the Zeniff hunt area until a fair and equitable public access agreement is established by the Elkins ranch. Such a measure would align with the Department’s commitment to managing wildlife resources in a manner that benefits all Arizonans and preserves our hunting traditions for future generations. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and the actions that will be taken to address these concerns. Sincerely,
  16. high rise hunter

    Some 3A BS

    Not cool. Email fired off for what it's worth.
  17. high rise hunter

    Found an enormous deadhead (coues)

    Wow that is better as finding a pot of gold! heck of a deadhead.
  18. high rise hunter

    Best unit for Coues deer hunt in Arizona?

    Read what AZGFD has to say in the link below. Jam packed with great unit-by-unit information to get you started. https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/where-to-hunt/
  19. high rise hunter

    How old do you say he is?

    I'm seeing 8.5 years old but I'm no expert.
  20. high rise hunter

    Elk meat

    I recently had sika deer katsu and it was delicious. Going to try it making it with elk.
  21. high rise hunter

    Spring draw?

    Got archery javi but no luck on the Goulds--No surprises here.
  22. high rise hunter

    NM Unit 13 Elk

  23. high rise hunter

    Antler Growth

    Agreed. By the 4th of July they're pretty much done growing. Incredible bull. Has me dreaming for mid-September.
  24. high rise hunter

    Anyone thinking of selling there truck soon

    Wish I had seen this thread. I recently parted ways with my truck that may have been good fit. 2018 F-150 with 92,000 miles.
  25. high rise hunter

    New Mexico draw

    I did the same this year applying with an outfitter. Still rejected...