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Everything posted by loboscout

  1. loboscout

    WTT 14x NL pure for 12x NL

    Mine are probably traded. Beware of scammers possibly answering for me.
  2. loboscout

    WTT 14x NL pure for 12x NL

    I am thinking about trading a new in the box 14 NL pure for 12 NL pure. You can be the first to pull it out of the box. Lemme know what you have and how much cash you will add.
  3. loboscout

    Wtb short action

    That's a smoking deal.
  4. loboscout

    WTS Mathews VX3 29 loaded

    I will take the quiver if the bow is sold bare. Maybe the other stuff too.
  5. loboscout

    WTT model 70 243 WSSM for ???

    I am thinking about trading a very good condition 243 WSSM Model 70 with control round feed for another rifle or maybe FFP mil scope. Interested in REM 700 types and parts, Solus, Nucleus, and Howa Mini/ultralite. Lemme know what you have in mind. I think it’s a $500+ rifle.
  6. loboscout

    Wtb short action

    What bolt face?
  7. loboscout

    WTS: Mountain House bucket

    12 meals, 6 meal mix in the bucket good till July 2027 see pics. Recycling our emergency foods, and I won’t eat these camping in time. $45 East Valley
  8. loboscout

    WTS: Mountain House bucket

    Going to Eli.
  9. loboscout

    Couple of items sale or trade

    I will take the Nikon P scope. PM sent.
  10. skyhigh is good to go. Buy with confidence.

  11. loboscout


    I have a new AGS Brass Annealer v 3.0. Its the smallest form factor and budget friendly. https://agscustomparts.com/product/ags-brass-annealer-3/ $260 I am in Chandler/Gilbert area.
  12. loboscout

    WTB: gun safe for rifles

    I am looking for a second basic gun safe for a few rifles. No sheet metal safes, want it solid. lemme know what you have.
  13. loboscout

    WTB: gun safe for rifles

    Thanks, looking for a used one for now.
  14. Definitely fun to shoot. Not what I am looking for. I have the Keltec pistol like this, the PMR that shares magazines. I thought I would like it more, but I want a bolt action 22 wmr for plinking. Comes with extras: foregrip, AR flip up sights, two extra magazines. Sell the rifle in the case with one mag for $500 OBO. Pics to come. $580 OBO for the package.
  15. loboscout

    WTS: Sig Cross 6.5 creedmoor

    Picked up a barely used Cross in 6.5 Creedmoor in the box. I was going to build it into a 22 creedmoor, but I decided to use a different platform. I shot a box of basic Hornady American gunner. Shot about moa with that ammo. It is really awesome rifle. Came with extra mags. Pics to come. $1325 OBO
  16. loboscout

    WTS: Sig Cross 6.5 creedmoor

    Thanks for the interest guys, I just got it sold.
  17. loboscout

    WTS: Keltec CMR, 22 mag semiauto carbine

    Scope not included unless you want to keep it cause it is zeroed and give me new price… New phone having trouble uploading.
  18. loboscout

    Vortex Razer HD 16-48 Angled

    Thanks. Always easy to do business with him.
  19. loboscout

    FS: 6 bra rifle package

    Turnkey match/PRS rifle. I will get out of 6 BRA if this sells. Howa 1500, firing pin reduced and bushed for small rifle primers, trigger timed and lightened with 20 moa rail. Whidden dies, 950+ 105s, MDT 12 round mag, and about 190 Petersen 1 and 2x fired brass. Round count on barrels less than 300 each to break in and compare. Both shoot fantastic, like every other 6 bra. I don’t have targets any more. Two 26” barrels both chambered 6 BRA, threaded and will take 5/8 x 24, light palma contours, one Proof another Xcaliber. Barreled action and extras, $1,450 obo New Stocky’s VG II and used AICS bottom metal for additional $650 OBO. East Valley
  20. loboscout

    FS: 6 bra rifle package

    Bump, make a Christmas offer I can’t refuse!
  21. Sweet gun, Howa are great shooters.
  22. Nice Howa .223 barreled action, varmint/sendero contour. Very good condition low round count. DBM and one magazine. Sold obo Going .223 only in my AR, so don’t want it.