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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    work banned coueswhitetail!!!

    I feel your pain.
  2. Elkaddict

    First Achery Bull

    Nothing like your first bull!! And a great looking one to boot!! Congrats!!
  3. Elkaddict

    Unit 1 Archery Bull

    Great story, you do have a gift with words! Very nice bull!!
  4. Elkaddict

    Dads Antelope Hunt

    Nice buck! Great pictures of your scouting bucks also. Congrats!
  5. Elkaddict

    #28 for Dad

    Wow, 28 with a bow is amazing! You 2 are pretty dangerous when it comes to this archery stuff!! Congrats!
  6. Elkaddict

    My brothers 4A bull

    Great bull!! Congrats
  7. Elkaddict

    snake versus lizard-cool pics

    Neat pictures. About a month ago I saw the same kind of snake eating a lizard and filmed it (will post the video when I have more than dial up service) Here's a snapshot from the video.
  8. Elkaddict

    OK, I finally made it over here

    Hi "Big Tub", as you will see there's a lot of the same people over here Glad you signed up. Terry
  9. Elkaddict

    Bid Deadhead bull

    What a horrible death! Neat find! couldn't have been there more than a month, must have smelled pretty bad.
  10. Elkaddict

    Frank THE Tank!!!

    Congrats to Jody!! Great bull!!
  11. Elkaddict

    Raspy the bull elk!

    Neat pictures!! Looks big to me!!
  12. Elkaddict

    Called in my first bull of 2011

    Fun indeed!! Love seeing those young bulls all starry eyed when they come in
  13. Elkaddict

    Who's Excited?!

    I'm feeling it with you. I have an extra 2 weeks to wait, just enough to get the bulls really worked up Been watching antelope the last few weeks, but it's time to switch directions. Did watch and listen to a buglin bull last week that had a few cows. Yesterday saw a good bull on the side of the hill you and Carly walked up a few weeks ago. Nice pictures.
  14. Elkaddict

    6x8 Archery Bull Video

    You should re-post this every August!! Can't wait. Great video!
  15. Elkaddict

    Aug 19 Elk

  16. Elkaddict

    All my good Elk sheds for this year

    Nice collection!!
  17. Elkaddict

    Bulls rubbing.

    Glassed 7 bulls this AM, 2 singles (about 300" bulls)were rubbed and the others(2-6x6, and 3-5x5) still in velvet. What's everyone else seeing?
  18. Elkaddict

    Not even trying...

    Great finds!!
  19. Elkaddict

    Bulls rubbing.

    Saw this bunch this AM, only 5 bulls and 3 were rubbed. Pretty sure with what everyone is reporting it's just a matter of a few more days and they'll all be ready to whip up on some trees.
  20. Elkaddict

    What GPS does everyone use?

    I have the garmin 60C. They don't make that model any longer it is now the 60CSX, this one has a sd card which gives you a lot of memory. I really wouldn't consider another brand. Good luck with your Delorme Earthmate. And to you Greg, I've been in that position tooo many times in the old days!! I don't miss hitting the road at dark and trying to quess which way the truck is!!
  21. Elkaddict

    Bulls rubbing.

    Glassed a group of 6 bulls a cow and a calf, pretty strange group! The largest bull was pretty nice and the rest were raghorns, all with velvet. Saw a pretty good bull a little while later that looked like it was chasing a cow, could have been spooked but didn't see anyone or thing that would have spooked them. This was in the 6000' range. Kind of looked rubbed but was too far off to tell.
  22. Elkaddict

    Bulls rubbing.

    Saw 2 nice 6x6's this morning both with velvet, this is at 6800', just wondering if elevation (coolness) has any thing to do with it. Or is it like droppping, the biggest ones first?
  23. Elkaddict

    Did a little packing today

    Hi Mike! Glad to see you found CWT.Com, You will fit right in. How about some pics of your archery bull? Let me know when you come back up, we can go check out something. Thanks to everyone else that commented. As an update I went back over to get 2 other sheds that I had marked and after an hour of walking around I figured someone must have found them. So the next day I went and glassed the canyon again and saw that I had marked them wrong! DISLEXIA!! Anyway I did glass another shed, so need to make another trip. Will post when I get them.
  24. Elkaddict

    Did a little packing today

    Glassed 6 sheds across a canyon last week and marked them on my GPS. Today, Sandra and I took a 14 mile quad ride to put us within a mile of the sheds. Picked up 4 of the 6 and found 4 more,decided to leave the other 2 for another day. Here's our find. Here we are packing. As luck would have it, I found this arrowhead on the trip down to the sheds. A load for the quad. And lastly, had to get my sticker in.
  25. Elkaddict

    New Covert

    Those are some of the best quality pictures I've ever seen off a trail cam!! Impressive!!