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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    125" + change Here's my story...

    Your story starts out like a lot of ours. Brings back memories of when I started hunting whitetail. Beautiful buck! Congrats!
  2. Elkaddict


  3. Elkaddict

    Ram Down!

    Beautiful ram!!
  4. Elkaddict

    Lunar Eclipse

    Saw the whole thing while walking into our glassing spot. Neat to watch! Dusty asked me if I had my camera and I said if I take a picture of the total eclipse it would just be a picture of a dark sky! Time lapse would have been nice.
  5. Elkaddict

    2011 September Archery Bull

    Good job!! Nice bull!
  6. Elkaddict

    brothers antelope - 1st family goat

    I can see hunting runs in the family! Nice buck!
  7. Elkaddict

    mom is super happy about first mule deer

    Geez!! Gotta be happy with that! Congrats! Looks like she's on a roll, elk & deer!
  8. Elkaddict

    finally a little activity

    Definitely looks like he's got the scent. Nice pics!
  9. Elkaddict

    80 year old grandpas elk and moms elk

    Seeing your grandpa with that great bull gives me hope for the next 20 years!! Congrats to both on some beautiful bulls!
  10. Elkaddict

    Traveling for coues MO to AZ part 2

    Good looking bucks!! Congrats!
  11. Elkaddict

    Snake vs. Lizard

    Last summer David- azhuntnut- posted a picture of a snake eating a lizard,must have been the right time of year, I also witnessed the same thing (same kind of snake too). Here’s a short (vivid)video.
  12. Elkaddict

    Merry Christmas

    That is beautiful!!
  13. Elkaddict


    Packing your first out of a canyon makes for extra memories! Congrats on a nice bull!
  14. Elkaddict

    2011 Trail Camera Contest Winners announced!

    Congrats to the winners!! Amanda, how about a link showing a picture that won for each category?
  15. Elkaddict

    All done!

    Nice bull!! Good job on the video, enjoyed it!! Congrats!
  16. Elkaddict

    Burro Mountains Buck (Video)

    Congrats!! Nice photos and video!!
  17. Elkaddict

    Two Bulls Down

    Very nice bulls!! Congrats!!
  18. Elkaddict

    Find the coues buck!

    Nice picture!
  19. Elkaddict

    couple of couesDeer

    Great bucks!!
  20. Elkaddict

    Lady Luck 201" 13B Mule Deer

    Wow! I would love to just see a buck that size! Congrats!!
  21. Elkaddict

    Early Archery Bull

    Wow!! Great bull!!Congrats!
  22. Elkaddict

    HUGE SHED.......

    This thread is 7 years old, that might be the problem.
  23. Elkaddict

    My Wifes 6A Bull Elk

    Congrats, great bull!!
  24. Elkaddict

    late rifle bull

    Very nice!! Congrats!!
  25. Elkaddict

    Тянь-Шань скитания

    What an amazing adventure! Beautiful pictures! Congrats on your trip and kills!