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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Couple of pigs

    Nice pigs!! Lots of memories there!!
  2. Elkaddict

    Shot a Nice 1 for the Wall

    Good looking buck! Congrats!!
  3. Elkaddict

    AZ Coues Banzai Bowhunt

    Congrats, nice buck!
  4. Elkaddict

    Bike Seat Buck

    Wow, 3/12 mile packing ground blinds! Glad it payed off, great looking buck!
  5. Elkaddict

    European Mounts

    Nice collection and great display!
  6. Elkaddict

    European Mounts

    Nice collection and great display!
  7. Elkaddict

    i knew this would make you guys proud!

    Way to go!!
  8. Elkaddict

    find the deer

    Pretty good for a cell pic! I see her(or I see something I think is a deer )
  9. Geez!! This is a tough crowd
  10. Elkaddict

    Going to be a long years wait!

    Wow, very nice buck!! You'll think about the shot every time you rub your tounge across your teeth!!
  11. First, why did someone give you a minus on the post??? This guy is good!!
  12. Elkaddict

    Palmated Shed

    Very nice shed! Wow the MASS!
  13. Elkaddict


    I was on the south, north, and northwest side of the Santa Ritas a few weeks ago and glassed pigs everywhere I went. Some high,I was in the desert kind of country, some in the lower draws. The key was GLASS.
  14. Elkaddict

    My 118 inch late whitetail

    Great trophy! Amazing finding that broadhead!!
  15. Elkaddict

    22 tag holder

    My thoughts exactly!!
  16. Elkaddict

    Desert Double...

    Wow!! You must be one stealthy dude!! Congrats, both of those are once in a lifetime bucks with a bow!
  17. Elkaddict

    Ward's Outfitters Hunt Report

    Wow, great bucks!!
  18. Elkaddict

    Koury Brothers Drop GIANTS!

    Amazing bucks!!
  19. Elkaddict

    Last hours of 2011

    That is indeed a beautiful buck! Congrats!
  20. Elkaddict

    First Deer

    Good hit! My first buck wan't anywhere near that big and I shot it with a rifle! Congrats.
  21. Elkaddict

    Nice muley

    Beautiful!! Let's see the video!
  22. Elkaddict

    shedss (elk&coues)

    Makes me anxious to head back north.....couple more months!
  23. Elkaddict

    Big Tripod Buck

    Good lookin buck! Hope you get him!
  24. Elkaddict

    Longbow Javalina

    Congrats! I do miss the light recurve I use to carry.