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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Driving to San Carlos MX?

    Just got back from bass fishing by Obregon, a couple of hours past San Carlos. Went past San Carlos at 7am and hit the border at noon. It’s a free zone, so don’t need a truck permit. Get a free 7 day visa at 21KM, just say you’re a tourist. If you say your fishing they want to sell you a 180 day visa fo $30. Make sure you have enough pesos for the tolls, they don’t take US money there. I think there are 3-4 tolls at that point, you need about 400-450 pesos each way. You can put gas on a card as long as you tell the bank you’re going, or get a couple hundred dollars worth of pesos for gas, then you don’t have to figure what kind of exchange they’re giving you. There are a lot of construction areas but it’s been worse. Drive during day and it’s as safe as anyplace in Phoenix.
  2. Elkaddict

    Any truth to this?

    You hit the nail on the head PRDATR! Well what I had originally posted was last year we were stopped at a checkpoint by a Federale. The Outfitter was not with us but our guide was (dual citizen) and he told us it was a nono and the Outfitter on the paperwork had to be with us when traveling. It was a little touch and go for a while but he relented and let us pass with a warning. He11, I would think itd be like anywhere else in Mexico, slip him $50 and move on Be careful who you slip the $50 to, things have changed. Bribes are frowned upon.
  3. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    Just finished putting him in for Junior elk, point guard is unavailable because he doesn't have a portal account. So we shall see how this goes.
  4. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    Got this from G&F today. "Hi Terry To follow up on your first question, with the conversion to the new portal interface, we are evaluating some of our policies. With the new interface, weve made a change in response to legal requirements to require people to be age 13 or older to establish a portal account. Because we have big game hunts for which youth ages 10-13 are eligible to apply, we plan to implement family sub-accounts. We dont have a specific date for when this will occur, but we are working on it. To answer your second question, your grandson will not need a portal account to apply online." My question now would be, can we get the point guard without the portal?
  5. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    Was told by G & F that the system is set up that they have to be 13, but they are working to change that in the next month or two.??? Also the family sub account should be going by then and hopefully that will also take care of the age thing.
  6. Elkaddict

    Abaco Island Bahamas (Pic Heavy)

    I would love to do that! Did you hire guides? Rent boats? Might need to check into this!
  7. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    That's actually what I would like to do, I'll ask if they have a time frame for the family sub-accounts.
  8. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    Traveling today. Will call Wednesday and post the answer.
  9. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    So, tried again and this is what I get.
  10. Elkaddict

    Portal for juniors

    We will try it again and see what happens
  11. Elkaddict


    Green Mountain Grill, amazing sale going on. I think today might be the last day. Sportsman warehouse has them. Had mine for three weeks and love it! http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/sportsmans/Green-Mountain-Grill-Holiday-Sale/category/cat134001
  12. Elkaddict

    Quick 34A Question

    I've never hunted the east side but I much prefer the desert, ocotillo, mesquite area compared to oak, grass. Maybe it's more about the area I can glass. When I hunt in Mexico there are years the deer are thick in the oak, grass areas probably due to the acorn crop. Most of the time it's the desert stuff, more variety of food sources.
  13. Elkaddict

    5BS early archery bull tag could be yours

    Not really that important to fill it, just be there, hunt, and have a good time.
  14. Elkaddict

    Map app

  15. Elkaddict

    decoys and calls

    Good advice, or at least turn the truck off.
  16. Elkaddict

    Elk raffle bull

    Really.... There were 0 pics when that was posted. ???then why would you say that if you didn't see a picture?
  17. Elkaddict

    Elk raffle bull

  18. Elkaddict

    Cedar board Sockeye salmon

    How do you handle the bones, pull them or just plan on finding them while you're eating?
  19. Elkaddict

    Halibut, salmon, and rock bass fishing

    I just saw where Kelly said cape spencer was the hot spot last week, we never fished out by the lighthouse but did fish cape spencer more towards the glacier, which was our hot spot last year, and didn't find them there. nice to hear there are other folks on CWT using Waters Edge.
  20. Just returned from what has become an annual fishing trip to SE Alaska. We go to Elfin Cove about 80 miles west of Juneau and fish self guided with Waters Edge Lodge. Beautiful area and great hosts. Here are a couple of videos I put together of the trip. https://youtu.be/pCeSkOB-gA4 https://youtu.be/5BhlYjYy6Tg
  21. Elkaddict

    Quick VERY amateur Trail Cam video

    Good job! Loved it !
  22. Elkaddict

    When Are The Results Normally Posted?

    He asks when are they "normally " posted. Seems like a legitimate question to me. Always seems to be around mid July.
  23. Elkaddict

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    I've bought bags at Walmart and eBay, easy to check prices online. One tip I could give is take the time to seal each side twice, makes sure it doesn't loose its seal.
  24. Elkaddict

    A couple of "as they lay" pics

    Glassed one of these sheds a few weeks ago. My friend Cliff and I went to get it this week and he glassed the other one. They have to be white for me to find them, oh well!