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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Thoughts and Opinions.......

    There's still hope!! Heard a bird this morning at 5:20 , gobbled 4-5 times heading away, nothing after that.
  2. Elkaddict

    Thoughts and Opinions.......

    Just got back from checking out some turkey spots in 5A, I haven't heard a gobble since Thurs. May 3rd. Friday,Sat, and Sunday it was windy and I didn't go out, but have been out early everyday this week. It's been perfect conditions this week as far as little to no wind, you can hear it seems for a long ways....Nothing....I too would like to hear some opinions. My hunt starts again tomorrow.
  3. Elkaddict

    my first turkey and a 10" beard!

    Great pictures! Love your avatar!
  4. Elkaddict

    Trail Camera for Home Security?

    Thanks for the comments, I'll pass them along to my neighbor. We are having a community meeting tonight about the burglaries, we'll see what the latest is.
  5. Elkaddict

    Trail Camera for Home Security?

    We've had a lot of burglarys around Happy Jack over the winter. I was informed yesterday my neighbor is going to ask me about mounting trail cameras on his property to try to get a pic of the people. He was broke into twice in the last couple of months. My questions would be what type, brand,flash /no flash, etc. what about batteries? Hang it high so they can't get to it? The last breakin they took a ladder and cut out the vent to his garage and crawled in that way! Any ideas? I should have mentioned he thinks I know a lot about trail cameras since I own a couple, that's why I need Help!!
  6. Elkaddict

    Trail Camera for Home Security?

    We have verizon up here, so far I haven't found a camera that emails pictures that works with verizon. AT&T doesn't work here. Anyone know of a brand compatable w/verizon?
  7. Elkaddict

    Trail Camera for Home Security?

    I looked up the Tasco, walmart sells them, looks good. I am going to research the ones that email a picture, sounds like it might be the way to go, any info on brands?
  8. Elkaddict

    Forum upgrade coming soon

    Where's the music box? Looked all over and can't find it..
  9. Elkaddict

    Forum upgrade coming soon

    Tried both, I like the beige better.
  10. Elkaddict

    Forum upgrade coming soon

    I haven't changed anything and it looks pretty good!!
  11. Elkaddict

    What do you all think

    You sure you're not from Payson? By the way I do like the name!
  12. Elkaddict

    Kaibab Forest Travel Management Plan

    No, simply put, if the road is not on the map it is closed. Only the roads indicated on the map are open.
  13. Elkaddict

    Dads Gobbler

    Congrqats! Handful is an understatement! If I'm reading it right there are 4 total tags in that unit! What are the odds!!
  14. Elkaddict

    Father Son Turkeys

    Wow! You guys found the turkey honeyhole!
  15. Elkaddict

    my first turkey and a 10" beard!

    Congrats! I know over the last couple of weeks how excited you were to get to go, glad it turned out great!
  16. Elkaddict

    Hog Shoot

    Very nice pictures!
  17. Elkaddict

    The lucky hat

    Very nice!
  18. Elkaddict

    Opening Weekend Reports

    Spent the last morning of the first hunt trying to hear them in a howling wind. Did hear a gobble at about the time he was getting off the roost, never heard him again after that. Decided to make it a morning walking to a ridge that looked good on the map and was across the canyon that I knew had birds in. Parked at the "road closed sign" that is actually a barricade placed in the middle of the road, and walked in probably 1 1/4 miles to get to the ridge. There was as many tire tracks on that road as any of the open roads in the area. Good luck to the forest service keeping people off closed roads that don't say closed, they haven't done anything in years with the already closed roads!!
  19. Elkaddict

    Saturday Sheds

    Nice sheds, pics are coming out small. Someone on here should be able to tell you how to make them bigger. Or go to the forum help section and search it. At least they are small to me maybe other people aren't having that problem...
  20. Elkaddict

    Opening Weekend Reports

    good luck to you!!
  21. Elkaddict

    Opening Weekend Reports

    Congrats on your bird! Good advice, went to a new area this morning and never heard a bird! Back to the area I've been hearing them tomorrow, see what happens.
  22. Elkaddict

    Opening Weekend Reports

    Copngrats on the bird and thanks for the tip.
  23. Elkaddict

    Big Tom

    Congrats !! Great bird!
  24. Elkaddict

    180 class bucks

    Great looking bucks! Congrats, nice mounts!
  25. Elkaddict

    Opening Weekend Reports

    You should have another tag hold sitting quietly on the opposite side of the tree! It seems that once the are roosted with hens it is tougher to get them to come in to the call off the roost. From what I've been told we are asking them to do something that is opposite then what traditionally happens in nature by asking the Tom come to the hen call. It's usually the hen that comes to the Tom. Pretty windy this evening so decided to give it a break. Thanks for the tips! Will give that a try "Little Creek". I've been told I should just stay put and the tom will come looking for me once he has his hens feeding/laying eggs or whatever. What's your thoughts on that?