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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Trashing the Forest

    Illegals bring a lot of trash, a close second is anyplace around Payson.
  2. Elkaddict

    Think I made a mistake.....

    The memories will last a lifetime.
  3. Elkaddict

    Think I made a mistake.....

    5yds with a buck like that! Doesn't get much better!
  4. Elkaddict

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Fun topic! Gotta get a pencil and give it some thought! Just thinking about it brings back a lot of good memories!
  5. Congrats azbill! Maybe I'll run into you around Happy Jack.
  6. Elkaddict

    Cow elk calls

    Wayne Carlton fightin cow call is hard to beat.
  7. Elkaddict

    Looking for lab puppy breeder recommendations

    Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue, labs of all ages. Save a lab, give them a try. Got "Hunter" a couple of months ago, great dog!
  8. Elkaddict

    Spotter vs. 15's

    Love the 15's! Anymore I very rarely break out the spotter, probably because I've been looking at elk more than coues the last few years. If I was to leave either in the truck it would be the spotter and probably wouldn't miss it.
  9. Elkaddict

    What to do... what to do

    Look at a different hill, there are some good ones out there.
  10. Elkaddict

    22N Archery Hunt

    Great job! Very impressive wood pile!
  11. Elkaddict

    Amazing bull a 10 year old may never top!!

    Wow! Great bull! Congrats!
  12. Elkaddict

    Late Season Bull

    Doesn't get much better than that! Congrats!
  13. Elkaddict

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    Both are very nice, but went back to the red. Like its name, it's "Majestic"!
  14. Elkaddict

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    Just switched to the white one, it's exceptional also! Hard to tell which I like better!
  15. Elkaddict

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    I'm looking at the dark red one, pretty neat looking! Good job!
  16. Elkaddict

    Late Rifle Bull Elk

    Great bull! That's what happens sometimes on a hunt, nice you didn't let it bother you. Love it when you've got a good glassing spot!
  17. Elkaddict

    Garrett's bull

    That's doing your homework! Congrats!
  18. Elkaddict

    Glasses up this buck in 22

    Dandy buck!
  19. Elkaddict

    22n dec hunt

    Hardscrabble road out of Pine will get you there.
  20. Elkaddict

    6A Muzzleloader Bull Opening Morning!

    Doesn't get any better than that!!
  21. Elkaddict

    What do you guys think about scent control

    Anyone with bottles of scent away or some useless scent locker clothes they don't want to store any longer, I will take it off your hands.
  22. Elkaddict

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    I have a 120 on the wall and this buck looks at least 10" more, so I'm going with 130.
  23. Elkaddict

    Mountain lion with snow habitat.

    Very nice!