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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Ever come across this while shed hunting?

    Not while shed hunting but did find something like that while pig hunting. The difference being the one I found still had skin and hair on it. This was around 1980 and am still asked to tell the story on fishing and hunting trips. For those that know me you have probably heard it, if not ask me sometime. It's a pretty good campfire story.
  2. Elkaddict

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Post a pic, would like to see them.
  3. Elkaddict

    They are starting to hit CC

    For what it's worth last year my account was hit way after I had lost hope. I have one hit between the wife and I, so now the big wait. She's been the lucky one over the last 14 years, so we'll see.
  4. Elkaddict

    Couple of coues bucks

    My partner Joe Erickson and myself probably around 1980 with a couple of bucks from unit 23. Nice memories!
  5. Elkaddict

    Pretty good day of bass fishing

    Some giants!
  6. Elkaddict

    What do you guys think???

    Sure hope you get better pics than that in the future, as for this one it looks like a wind blown bush or what keith said.
  7. Elkaddict

    gobblers already gobbling

    Heading up mid April to start looking. Can't wait to hear some gobblers! Need to change my tactics, every year the same thing. Hear gobbling, they fly down and then it's silent till the next morning! Even when I think I know where they are, I don't get any action in the evening . I see a lot about hunting mid day but there seems to always be something else I need to do then. Maybe this year I'll give that a try. Any advice?
  8. Elkaddict

    dead head

    Nice find!
  9. Elkaddict

    Couple of coues bucks

    I think it's Greenback Peak, Armer is too the right out of the pic. Loved the area, just like everywhere it got too crowded.
  10. Elkaddict

    Couple of coues bucks

    Nope, the one on the right has a full beard, the one on the left just bushy blond hair . ; )
  11. Elkaddict

    thinking about calls

    Diaphragms and cow calls like Carlton fightin cow. And practice.
  12. Elkaddict

    Looking for a 4 wheeler

    You might want to redo the topic to say you're looking for a quad. I think you would get more responses. Good luck, I'm sure there are some out there that meet your needs.
  13. Elkaddict

    Deadline is over

    5a early archery bull 1st 5a rifle bull 2nd
  14. Elkaddict

    after 7pm and game and fih still taking apps.

    You ain't seen nothing yet! Wait till the results come out.
  15. Those mounts are unbelievable!
  16. Elkaddict

    Broken Crappie Rod

    Guy, do this and you're done.
  17. Elkaddict

    Broken Crappie Rod

    1 1/2" shouldn't be too much loss. I assume you have the tip, heat it and take it off and see if it is close enough in size to use again. If it's not take it to a tackle shop and get the right size and some hot glue. Broken many on the creek, I carry spares with me.
  18. Elkaddict

    Mexico 2014

    Great looking bucks! Hard to beat Mexico for coues!
  19. Elkaddict

    Recommend me a new sleeping bag!

    Love my Butler Bag! Not going to carry it very far!
  20. On a pig hunt many years ago, we parked the truck and took a short trail to a big glassing rock. On the trail, that we had used many times before, was as a 2' boulder right in the middle of the trail. As we sat on the glassing rock we kept commenting on the rock in the middle of the trail. After a couple of hours and not seeing anything we decided to move. As we walked by the rock in the trail our curiosity got the best of us and we rolled the rock over. There was something in a hole under the rock, turns out it was a human head. Freaked us out! Way before cell phones so we went into New River to call the sheriffs dept.. They kept telling us it was probably an old Indian skull from a burial ground. After waiting for several hours they finally sent 1 deputy out to check it out. After taking him to the site and he looked in the hole he freaked out too! Long story but the outcome was a guy killed his wife and her boyfriend and cut them up and scattered them around the desert. They found some women's bones and we found the guys head. This was off the Table Mesa road about 15 miles east of I-17 , so if you're out that way keep your eyes open. They never found most of them.
  21. Yep, that "tell the wife you aren't coming home for two more days" rings a bell. One of my last conversations I had with her!
  22. Elkaddict

    Who's Ready?

    Been thinking about it, heres a few pics from couple of years ago. Don't think Sandra could handle much more than this!
  23. Elkaddict

    BIGFOOT KILLED!!!! Proof

    Got caught pulling the Bigfoot scam in 2008, so now he has to make sure he has all his ducks in a row or no one will believe him! Can't wait o here the press conference in Feb.