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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    This is the first day I have ever used it. Tried it with first light and a few more times till I quit at about 8:30. Suppose to work throughout the day. I was hesitant about spooking them too, but woody said he uses it all day long. Since I got the confidence I will continue using it, just as a locater. Then work in with hen calls, which I haven't done yet, been just leaving them after locating. I make it as load as I can.
  2. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    Gotta thank woody for the coyote howler tip! Went out this morning and had at least 6 birds in 3 different locations gobble in response to it. Ready for tomorrow!
  3. Elkaddict

    Who's buying?

  4. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    What a difference a day(and/or area) makes! Went to an area I found a lot of tracks last week and heard gobblers every where I went. Things are looking up!
  5. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    Shooting for 4:30 start tomorrow(woke up at 3 this morning that's why I was so early) will let you know how it goes.
  6. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    I'm a novice when it comes to turkeys but wouldn't 4am be a little early for them to gobble? I would think that they gobble after they wake up and hear the hens yelp. All the ones I've heard are going crazy as the horizon begins to fill with light. You're probably right, but if you think about it I started at 4 and was deep into some prime looking stuff when the sun started lighting the sky. Also this morning it looked like daybreak way early with the full moon. Still didn't work.
  7. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    Don't know 5b, actually don't know 5A when it come to turkeys!
  8. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    That is discouraging, I hope they turn on by Friday morning. Will you still be up there this weekend? Yep, gotta friend and his kid coming up. Hopefully one of the other gobblers will be cooperative. I think there are somewhere between 5 to10 toms in 5A.
  9. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    Got out this morning at 4:00, heard absolutely zero! Very frustrating!
  10. Elkaddict

    Fire restrictions begin April 18

    Fire restrictions begin the opening day of Junior turkey season, very dry up here. Be safe! http://azdailysun.com/news/local/campfire-restrictions-on-four-national-forests-to-begin-friday/article_39f8f99c-c4ec-11e3-8f5d-001a4bcf887a.html
  11. Elkaddict

    Video, a must watch for turkey's

    Don't have netflix and with verizon internet can't afford the gigabytes it will take to watch it. Sounds good though.
  12. Elkaddict

    Finished fake rock.

    Nice job, always wanted to make a fake rock. How about a tutorial?
  13. Elkaddict

    Turkey Tactics!

    You got that right woody! My family asks why I keep going, it's become a family joke, they send me every article they find about turkeys from California to Florida ! Love hearing them gobble, now just need to get to the next step!
  14. Elkaddict

    Elk mounts hung

    Beautiful ! Love the shadows.
  15. Elkaddict

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    its shock goobling and i watched a tom kick the sh"t out of a coyote last yrs. hit the caller load for a few seconds then turn it of fast and listen usally around 4:45am they turn on like a switch Ordered a coyote howler today!
  16. Elkaddict

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    I have heard gobbles when the coyotes get going, but have a hard time trying to locate them with a call from an animal that is,going to eat them. I use owl calls before it gets light and after that nothing seems to be working. Going to try crow calling during the day when I get back up there.
  17. Elkaddict

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    I've been putting a lot of miles on this past week in 5A trying to locate turkeys. Getting into the areas by 5AM and owl calling to try to get a gobble. Been hearing 1 a day and a couple of days heard 2-3. Pretty weak totals for the amount of miles I've been driving. I would like to hear what everyone else is encountering.
  18. Elkaddict

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    Went out locating Tuesday thru Saturday before sunup each morning in 5A. Driving roads and listening and owl hooting with my voice. Heard at least 1 gobbler each day except Saturday , very windy. After sunup I would use primarily a slate call. For all the traveling I did I think I should have heard more birds. I was looking at new areas each day and never went back to where I heard the ones I did. What I am trying to say is I am not real impressed with my success on finding birds. Any suggestions?
  19. Love Mexico! Congrats on a great hunt!
  20. Elkaddict

    Protecting an elk mount

    I gave mine to a friend when I got divorced to have above his fireplace till I could get things back together. A few years go by and I buy some property and plan on building a cabin. I give him a call and he says he sold it at a garage sale! Be careful who you give it to.
  21. Elkaddict

    Can I access my online application?

    Did the same thing one year and got an archery cow tag, also put in for pigs with the wrong year regs and drew the city of Phoenix. Thought I would never hear the end of that from my partners!
  22. Elkaddict

    "Packing Jobs"

    Sounds good, like I said before, give us a reminder just before the hunts. And it would help to know what units you would like to help in.
  23. Elkaddict

    "Packing Jobs"

    Great idea! I've needed someone like you a time or two, where you located? Put your name and number out just before each elk season with what units you will go to and sit by the phone. Get a few friends involved and you could have a nice little business.
  24. I love it when everyone is in a tree, easier to keep track of.
  25. Elkaddict

    Ever come across this while shed hunting?

    Ok lets hear it! Like I said, it's a campfire story, way too long to write.