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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict


    Wow! Is today the deadline?
  2. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bull is back

    Was nice till this morning. Left at 5am to go glass for animals. Got back at 7:30 and my wife said the bull was at our gate. Started looking around and it appears he was here from the time I left till I got back. Hope daylilies are good for horn growth!
  3. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bull is back

    I was thinking of you, Larry!
  4. Elkaddict

    Dogs and quads

    Would like to make something to mount on the back of my Honda Rubicon for my lab. Any ideas? Post some pics if you have something for your dog to ride on.
  5. Elkaddict

    Dogs and quads

    Update pic. Hunter is loving it, no problem getting up or down. Plenty of room for all of us!
  6. Elkaddict

    Dogs and quads

    Thanks to you guys, got my brain working. Couldn't even take a nap, I was planning this after seeing the pics. All material was scraps from building the cabin. And the cushion was on the wife's patio chairs that she has been wanting to replace. His name is Hunter, got him last November from Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue ( good outfit ). He will be 2 in October . He's a special needs dog , he specially needs me! Can't imagine a better dog. I think he will adapt quick to his new ride, like I said earlier he had a bit of trouble getting down. Don't know what I could do to make it easier.
  7. Elkaddict

    Dogs and quads

    Here's a better picture of the pad.
  8. Elkaddict

    Dogs and quads

    Thanks for the ideas. Here's my project. . I think he likes it, had a little trouble getting down.
  9. Elkaddict

    Dogs and quads

    Thanks for the tips. Got some plywood around here, think I'll dig through my stuff and see what I can come up with.
  10. This is a bash AZGFD post, no one wants to hear this.
  11. Elkaddict

    What do you do with your sheds?

    I did this to hide my wood shed, just recently added the flowers.
  12. Elkaddict

    AZGFD website what the heck?

    Did mine and the wife's yesterday. Couldn't have been easier. Must be the increased traffic if you're having problems.
  13. Elkaddict

    outside faucet issue

    Ok, I have the same thing up north. You can pull all the guts out and take a look. I've had mine leak and called the company and they sent a replacement cartridge. Mines a B +K Mueller. If your lucky you can find a replacement cartridge at a plumbing store near your cabin. I wasn't .
  14. Elkaddict

    outside faucet issue

    sounds like this is it, take the faucet off and turn water on to flush then replace. They're cheap, just get a new one.
  15. Elkaddict

    outside faucet issue

    It's probably as simple as your back yard spigot coming through the house is 1/2" line compared to the front being 3/4". You just can't put a lot of water through 1/2". That's why if you put in a sprinkler system you need to bring a main around from the front.
  16. Elkaddict

    What do you do with your sheds?

    Never heard of trophy rope, neat idea. Gotta get me one.
  17. Elkaddict

    What type of plant is this?

    Years ago while archery hunting deer by Kendrick Mtn. The lupine seeds seemed to be the preferred food source at the time. Since then I think about that hunt every time I see a bunch of lupine. Pretty flower and plant. I've collected seeds and put them around my property, looking healthy right now but no flowers yet.
  18. Elkaddict

    What type of plant is this?

  19. Elkaddict

    "Strange" Actions by Hunters

    Nothing wrong with glassing from the highway.
  20. Elkaddict

    "Strange" Actions by Hunters

    Doesn't seem right to carry the gun by the scope, I saw the same episode. Never seen anybody do that. As far as not loading the gun until you see what you want to shoot, I always practice that. And to the best of my knowledge everyone I hunt with does. Too many accidental shootings, it can't go off if there isn't a bullet in the chamber.
  21. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bulls

    Memorial Day bulls at the cabin. The first pic is at my gate.
  22. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bulls

    12 miles north of Clint's Well.
  23. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bulls

  24. Elkaddict

    Garmin Rino 530hcx Issue

    Yeah I had this happen during my turkey hunt. Luckily I noticed and knew where the truck was at the time or it could have been rough. On my garmin gps60 I can mark a waypoint 1/4 mile away but I do it intentionally by using the scan arrow. Don't know how if you just use mark waypoint it would be anyplace but where you are.
  25. Elkaddict

    Garmin Rino 530hcx Issue

    Adicted, did you try what az lance said? If so how did it work. I have no idea why the compass feature would mess up the map and arrows but my gps doesn't have a compass so I would be interested in what you found out.