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Everything posted by Elkaddict

  1. Elkaddict

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    Have a friend that shot a dog with his bow when the dog had his wife stuck in her car. The dog went back to its owners house and died there, large blood trail. He got the dog and took it to,the desert to get rid of it. When he got back home not only the police was waiting but every local news agency and most of the neighborhood. He wasn't charged but it wasn't pleasant for him.
  2. Elkaddict

    So today I did this . . .

    Good one!
  3. Just had to read this to see what the g and f was being blamed for. It's not due for a week , mail sounds good unless you don't trust the post office.
  4. Elkaddict

    Is this legal?!?

    no....why? Is it one you were watching?Yep, probably on someone's hit list.
  5. Elkaddict

    couple ATL desert sheds

    Nice finds, Larry!
  6. Elkaddict

    Computer/Draw Glitch

    I think you better buy her one before the deadline.
  7. Great looking coues country, congrats!
  8. Elkaddict

    Friends First Archery Buck

    Stud for sure! I've never seen anyone carry a mule deer like that. Great buck too!
  9. Elkaddict

    New swarovskis 15x56 versus old

    If the new ones just came out last year, I definatly don't have those. I love the ones I have, hope I don't look through the new ones. I couldn't afford to change!
  10. Elkaddict

    New swarovskis 15x56 versus old

    Which ones are the old and new? Mine are a yellowish green and my wife's are a dark green. I got mine in 2000 and my wife's probably 2004 or so.
  11. Elkaddict

    Draw conspiracy theories

    My wife has been drawn for rifle bull 7 times since the year 2000. One of these was a trophy rut hunt. If you are a woman your name goes on top.
  12. Elkaddict

    Well...this is a first

    Years ago while checking waterholes in 6A , my friends kids were riding in the back of the truck and just as we approached the tank one of them hollered "look dad, there's a naked man!" Seems a guy with only a hat and daypack was trying to hide behind a small pine. To this day that tank is known as naked man and the one up the road is upper naked man.
  13. Nice write up , but where are the pictures and what about that thing on the bucks neck? On the edge of my chair awaiting your response.
  14. Elkaddict

    The "Candlestick" buck SCORE

    A friend and myself came to a number of 180 main frame and 8 extra points at 5" each=40" extras = 220 range. Incredible how uniform that buck is, congrats again!
  15. You get this, then get a giant buck! Must be living good! Congrats!
  16. Elkaddict

    SWAROVSKI 15x56 slc

    There's a guy in the classifieds that has cash and you have the glass, seems like you should get together. Won't be able to find a better price.
  17. Elkaddict

    Back yard Buck

    Great picture!
  18. Elkaddict

    WTB Lab pup

    Desert Lab rescue is a good group to check with. Got a black lab a year ago from them, can't imagine a better dog.
  19. Elkaddict

    2015 archery pig

    Seen feet like that on pigs at the zoo....could it be? Just kidding, congrats David! Going to take a while to get used to the 2015 date. Good start to the year!
  20. Elkaddict

    ATLs from last trip out

    Always amazes me all the old chalk ones that are out there with everyone horn hunting these days! Gives me hope when looking.
  21. Elkaddict

    Alaska Moose Film

    Better than anything Ive seen on TV! Congrats on the hunt and the film!
  22. Elkaddict

    Little late season freak action!

    Can't pass up that buck! Congrats!
  23. Elkaddict

    quad for sale

    I think if you want notifications click on follow topic at top of page.
  24. Elkaddict

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Hate to hear this, hope he gets well soon.
  25. Elkaddict

    37b az

    Ha Ha, you're forgiven..