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Everything posted by bullwidgeon

  1. bullwidgeon

    Unit 23 bear

    Bears can be killed in the junipers during October. Especially if the berries are good and the acorns are weak. I don't know about your area, but if you got bears that are eating junipers and the junipers are good stay after them. I hunted near Four Peaks last weekend and the scrub oaks were already dropping acorns and the pear fruit was not in yet that high, I saw no good junipers with berries and also no bears. Bret M.
  2. bullwidgeon

    Did anyone tag a bear?

    I saw a bear on Friday. It was along ways away close to dark. I couldn't refind him any of the subsequent days. in unit 22 Bret M.
  3. bullwidgeon

    Favorite Elevation

    I like the 2500-4500 range in the Southern units. I dont like pine trees, oak trees or manzanita when down South. On the rim or in the central units I find deer from 2500-8500 feet, you gotta kind of hunt where they are in the areas with less deer. Bret M.
  4. bullwidgeon

    Who's ready for bear?

    Ahh Mr. Quimby, Do you have a bull in your yard tied up for me? Archery elk starts soon . I hope you had a good time in Australia with Logan. See you soon Bret M.
  5. bullwidgeon

    now the work begins

    I have been sitting down and glassing alot watching fools run, walk, jog and bicycle by ginourmous coues deer bucks. Hopefully by hunting season I can be prepared and in good enough shape to sit and glass for 12 hours at a time !!! Bret M.
  6. bullwidgeon

    The Mescal Mountains

    I have seen coues deer down in the river bottom while shooting quackers upstream from Winkelman near the Christmas Mine. They like the river bottom there alot, I imagine there are probably alot more up higher in those hills. Bret M.
  7. bullwidgeon

    Ocotillo bucks

    Look for ridges with Cholla fruit and heavy ocotillo stands on them. Money country there....
  8. bullwidgeon

    Who's ready for bear?

    There is bears here? Where do they live? What do they eat? Are you allowed to shoot them? This is all major news..... Bret M.
  9. bullwidgeon

    Summer camo - NON-COTTON!

    Just road hunt with the AC on and the barrel poked out of the window. Thats what I do until the temp drops below 85* Bret M.
  10. Nice pine tree deer. Bret M.
  11. bullwidgeon

    My new arrows

    Bownut, Thank you, that makes sense. Bret M.
  12. bullwidgeon

    unit 31 massive palmation

    Ginormous! Bret M.
  13. bullwidgeon

    My new arrows

    What do those short vanes do that the long ones dont? I am new to the entire archery deal and see that those are more expensive for some reason. Anyways, nice looking arrows. Bret M.
  14. bullwidgeon

    Insteads of Sheds

    None of those are mine, but if you find a 45 pound flathead with a 7/0 circle hook in his jaw and aboout 3 foot of 30 pound leader hanging out of his mouth , he is mine. You can bring him by my place in AJ. He broke off at the boat last month, he was too big for the net, I was trying to leader him. Thanks . Bret M.
  15. bullwidgeon


    I have this Bogen. It is the older version of the one you are looking at, I have the Outdoorsman universal mount on it. I use it with my 10x Leicas and 15X Swaros and I like it. I do not think the weight is that bad, but alot of pansies have lifted my tripod up and cryed and whined like 3 year old girls who just had their Barbies ran over by a ginourmous biker on a Harley. Bogens are definately good and rugged tripods. Bret M.
  16. bullwidgeon


    Do you have a boat? I seen a real smoker way upriver at Canyon lake a few weeks ago while I was slaughtering the catfish... Bret M.
  17. bullwidgeon

    Kaibab or unit 1 draws

    I will be in Scotts camp folliowing him around and eating all their food and drinking all their beer when they are not looking. Bret M.
  18. bullwidgeon


    Elk jerky as cereal but instead of Milk I use Tabasco. I understand this may be a little too manly and savage for some of your palletes but when I am hunting I am 50% sasquatch and 50% John Wayne, basically 110% all animal killer . Bret M.
  19. bullwidgeon

    Who Drew What?

    unit 33 coues early, archery bull tag in a lame unit with no elk. Bret M.
  20. It is only human to be jealous. Codger Bret
  21. Sorry I missed this one, I was busy scouting for my Archery unit 1 bull tag! Only my 3rd elk tag in a row and 4th one in 6 years..... Hey Lark what did you draw? Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Bret M.
  22. bullwidgeon


    How about you just never tell Game and Fish, they won't find out then. They are really busy counting flycatchers and writing people tickets that don't have enough life jackets in their boats, they don't have time to come look at some stinking carcass I found in the sticks that I am sure was killed by an alligator, tiger or wolverine.... Bret
  23. bullwidgeon


    I got a sweet call today from my uncle. Looks like we have been hit up for archery bull tags too!!!! 3 ELK TAGS IN A ROW!!!! All I can think of is NICCCCCCCCCCE!!!!! I am due for another dinker 330-350 bull!!!! I knew that entire swapping antelope bonus points for elk bonus points would work out!!!! Bret M.
  24. bullwidgeon


    $19.50 just hit. Hopefully my december unit 45A coues tag is on the way! Bret M.
  25. bullwidgeon


    You were lost, there is no deer in New Mexico. Bret M.