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About rszkutak

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/18/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Reloading when possible. I'm the owner of Paint Werkz LLC (FFL 07/02) and do a firearms refinishing to consumers and a lot of OEM work.

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  1. rszkutak

    12a archery hunt, who else got drawn?

    There haven’t been a lot of deer taken so far in Kaibab, it’s surely a lot less than one would expect. My group of 6 hunters only has 1 deer so far and that was taken yesterday right before sunset. ive had a single shot on a deer but it wasn’t a large target area so it missed the deer. I had a few other opportunities but taking the time to range, draw etc they spooked. I expect next week after Labor Day will be better when I go back
  2. rszkutak

    12a archery hunt, who else got drawn?

    yea it's surely a chatty thread that's for sure. LOL! I don't expect help finding a honey hole there by any means and will do my best to find some stuff out west but it is indeed a struggle. Camera's haven't yielded much at this point and were only about 2 weeks out from the hunt. I got one more camera check till i get up there a couple days before the hunt so we'll see how the new camera's go.
  3. howdy all, who else here has a 12a archery tag this year? I'm familiar with the east side and becoming familiar with the west side now as i've already been up there this year once and by the hunt plan to be there another 3-4 more times to do some further scouting. As it seems the usual for me when i pull a kaibab tag my hunting buddies aren't able to make it up there with me this year as they have other hunts planned at the same time not in the bab so I will be hunting solo. So far i've focused on area's to hunt in and not so much "camp" or drop my trailer in. I'm looking for some suggestions on roads to look at in regards to having a decent amount of camping spots open, cell phone isn't required either but naturally it would be nice for the evenings. I know cell reception would be limited to say a 5-8 mile radius of jacobs lake where the tower is. If you've got suggestions for area's besides the burn, joe's mud hole for me to take a look at i'm all ears but by no means am I here asking or looking for secret spots. I'm determined to get time in the field using my boots and glass to make the best of it, but open and truly thankful for any suggestions to help me narrow down my focus a little bit. Pic for attention and to spur the excitement of the upcoming bab hunt!
  4. rszkutak


    bump to the front
  5. rszkutak


    When I was at Ben Avery a few weeks back I watched a guy do the full setup on his in about an hour and a half, tops. That was from mounting it to being dialed in on paper at 80 yards. He ran a few random distances too and was nailing it. The technology is so solid and it has a ton of advanced functions built into it, I love it and would love to hunt with it but I didn’t feel it was right for me after getting it.
  6. rszkutak


    *(&#%*(375897#^$&#^76&*^#$&*%@$&*!^)$*#^ Sorry editing right now 700
  7. rszkutak


  8. Got busy with life and forgot about this. This is still available for those interested.
  9. Got busy with life and forgot about this. This is still available for those interested.
  10. rszkutak

    new to shed hunting, advice?

    I'm wanting to go out this spring and search for shed's, if i find some great, if not i had an excuse to get into the outdoors for a day or two. that being said, I don't need or want your spots for finding shed's. Some general guidance on what to look for and what area's to focus on would be great. Should I do some glassing for them like you do for deer in the bab as opposed to walking like mad. Sure walking you will see more for sure, but glassing you have the advantage of covering a lot more ground quickly, or would glassing defeat the purpose and cause you to lose shed's that otherwise might be there. I have all Swaro's too, not cheaper glass that could hide shed's if they were visable. I know the area's of the state would change on the time of the year, southern area's being different than kaibab. As a rule of thumb, when should I start looking in the sea of junipers and possibly up in the bab? thank you in advance for your responses.
  11. rszkutak

    AKC Black Lab Pups

    OMG The level of cuteness here is beyond belief. I have sent my fiencee the pics from here. Doubtful she will let us get another lab, but hopeful too! BEAUTIFUL BABIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. rszkutak

    anyone want to go fox hunting?

    I'm totally game to going fox hunting. Sorry I wasn't on my PC at all since Friday so I couldn't respond to the thread. i live in the north valley (7st and 101) so connecting should be easy enough. I don't really have an opportunity to go hunting until November as the entire month of October is pretty much packed with out of town stuff and other commitments, one of them being running my friends shop for almost 2 weeks while he's away on vacation.