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About Buckrut

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  1. Is this the "old style" or "new style" stud??
  2. Buckrut

    Misc Outdoorsman’s stuff -SOLD

    is the quick release still available?
  3. Buckrut

    WTB Marlin 30-30

    PM sent
  4. Buckrut

    Popcorn thread

    I didnt create a new profile to call it out. I have nothing to hide from I simply just don’t normally post to social media. Im just curious if anyone had information if that buck was also taken illegally?? Seems this guy is a habitual poacher and should be held accountable.
  5. Buckrut

    Popcorn thread

    That's an old picture of him from a thread titled "whats the story", just wondering if it was ever determined if this buck was also killed illegally?
  6. Buckrut

    Popcorn thread

    What about this one??