Before you guys start saying this man "stole" this bull I was behind glass watching the bull as they shot it and from what I saw was there was a bull bedded down with my two buddy's walking up on the bull they got on the bull still bedded he was spoked but didn't know where the my buddy's were so ended up stopping and looking around after trotting off around 50 yards and at this time they could get back on the bull then after making a awesome shot through the front shoulder the bull ran down the hill and bedded back down after waiting for the time being the bull stood back up then my buddy put another awesome shot on the bull and ended up dying on the spot and from the picture showing were there's an arrow in the base of the antlers you can look closely the fletching are still in the elks chest the arrow just happen to be laying across the antlers and after a few minutes I went to grab the buggy and these two men walked up started saying that the bull was there's and showed us an arrow that had blood and smelt of a gut shot and the way I look at it is if the bull was on all four legs and my buddy shot that Bull and killed it it's fair game and is his so the bullshit you guys are spreading needs to stop you obviously wasn't there so you can't say anything. By the way that man that was with my buddy who shot the bull was not a guide or anything close to one he was just a good friend who we invited to go up on our hunt with us.