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About Love2hunteverything

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  1. Love2hunteverything

    WTB Savage model 311 or 511 20ga.

    I actually saw two of these on Armslist I believe one was a 16-gauge and one was a 20 gauge I think of the three 311
  2. Love2hunteverything

    Mega ammo blowout sale

    Interested in the rem 55gr fmj ammo sent pm
  3. Love2hunteverything


    How many cubic foot?
  4. Love2hunteverything

    AKC Black Lab Pups

    I'm with this guy. 😢 not fair!
  5. Love2hunteverything

    Swarovski 15x56 HD

    Where are you located?
  6. Love2hunteverything


    Alphamax was a pretty hot bow in its day. Good luck on sale i had a 35 and loved it. This would make a great bow for anyone is it 60-70lbs?
  7. Love2hunteverything

    Ruger M77 30-06 - SOLD

    I asked yesterday WADDELL go get it before i become more tempted.
  8. Love2hunteverything

    Popcorn thread

    L.O.L. hope were not talking about that goofy bastard nobull350 or whatever his name is. Shoot if he was my attorney i would choose the noose.
  9. Love2hunteverything

    Popcorn thread

    Have a feeling that particular gentleman is on here under a different username selling a whole bunch of guns to help pay his lawyer fees. Just a hunch. Would be way too coincidental for the two to have such similar personalities and attitudes
  10. Love2hunteverything

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    If you pay the judge a little extra on the golf course they clean it all up for you. Its been all in court records not sure of any news articles on this 1. His past theft record was confessed to once the facts came out that he was actually caught in action of crime while a minor was with him. I believe he was prosecuted for that 1 and paid restitution?? Oh daddy when i grow up i wanna be a fireman, a antler buyer a thief and oh yes a poacher. It didnt make the news because it was a sealed warrant . So now we have to ask the question how did the OP know all the details of a sealed warrant ?? Why did the OP erase some of his post ? It couldnt be because his buddys dad an employee of the azgfd leaked the warrant could it ? The OP and the Azgfd employee will soon be answering those questions in front of my dads golfing buddy aka the judge. Odds are the azgfd employeee is going to be held in contempt of court . The civil liability the clowns at the azgfd are carrying is quite heavy . Like I said before corruption is rampant for YOU'RE friends at the Azgfd !Does this tactic often work for you where you just make stuff up and say its true? Are you a liberal democrat by chance? I posted up public info nothing was sealed so saying the op gave up leaked info is kinda funny when anyone can obtain this information. Keep dreaming on your contempt charges. Hopefully everybody is paying close attention to the trash your talking and hopefully everyone remembers your brothers behavior in the future. I do hope antler hunters consider doing business with someone more ethical thank Blake. Even if Blake gets out of this it will not be long before he gets caught again for something else im sure of that. Where there are laws to be broken never fear Blake will appear! Snowflake are you really that stupid ? He knew details of what happened . The charges didnt come up for days after and guess what ? They didnt have any details . Nice try buddy !You are a special kind of stupid for sure. 😂 Im absolutely loving this post! I especially like the posts where you talk about the judge being friends with your dad and yet you dont think that will come back to haunt you/Blake. Guys have given you sound advice and suggested you shut up yet you keep digging. All of these posts are admissable in court. I once had a guy not like a judge knowing he was gonna lose with him on the bench so he lied and said i personally knew the judge and guess what a new judge was assigned to our case which did not help his case it just made the judge angry. Personally i just hope you guys grow up and quit breaking laws and think about the hunting community and the stain your leaving on it. And if ya can't do that at least leave all minors at home when breaking laws!
  11. Love2hunteverything

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    If you pay the judge a little extra on the golf course they clean it all up for you. Its been all in court records not sure of any news articles on this 1. His past theft record was confessed to once the facts came out that he was actually caught in action of crime while a minor was with him. I believe he was prosecuted for that 1 and paid restitution?? Oh daddy when i grow up i wanna be a fireman, a antler buyer a thief and oh yes a poacher. It didnt make the news because it was a sealed warrant . So now we have to ask the question how did the OP know all the details of a sealed warrant ?? Why did the OP erase some of his post ? It couldnt be because his buddys dad an employee of the azgfd leaked the warrant could it ? The OP and the Azgfd employee will soon be answering those questions in front of my dads golfing buddy aka the judge. Odds are the azgfd employeee is going to be held in contempt of court . The civil liability the clowns at the azgfd are carrying is quite heavy . Like I said before corruption is rampant for YOU'RE friends at the Azgfd !Does this tactic often work for you where you just make stuff up and say its true? Are you a liberal democrat by chance? I posted up public info nothing was sealed so saying the op gave up leaked info is kinda funny when anyone can obtain this information. Keep dreaming on your contempt charges. Hopefully everybody is paying close attention to the trash your talking and hopefully everyone remembers your brothers behavior in the future. I do hope antler hunters consider doing business with someone more ethical than Blake. Even if Blake gets out of this it will not be long before he gets caught again for something else im sure of that. Where there are laws to be broken never fear Blake will appear!
  12. Love2hunteverything

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    If you pay the judge a little extra on the golf course they clean it all up for you. Its been all in court records not sure of any news articles on this 1. His past theft record was confessed to once the facts came out that he was actually caught in action of crime while a minor was with him. I believe he was prosecuted for that 1 and paid restitution?? Oh daddy when i grow up i wanna be a fireman, a antler buyer a thief and oh yes a poacher.
  13. Love2hunteverything

    Buck Officially Scored 200 0/8" gross 197 4/8" net

    come on 20 days your no fun. 20 mins was ok cause I was just hitting the sack. so now I had another thought that came up. if both deer were taken then it would probably look awsum in a dual mount up on a custom pedestal mount with 2 hanging evidence tags on it, turn the fan on so it shows the tags moving around a little bit and it would look more of a live mount that he liked but couldnt afford to get. well if you use your imagination they would simulate a live mount off topic would that be a hoot to go into G&F's evidence room and set them mounts up like a display in Cabelas, having Name tags on plaques in front of the animal with the stats of the PERP who killed it what charges they scored. maybe a small story behind it. maybe some before and after trailcam pics of the PERP going in and carrying it out. People would pay good money for that. I would go see that exhibit. I know at the G&F Outdoor Expo a few years ago, and maybe at the AZ State Fair too, they had a poaching exhibit with names and photos.That might be the new state record mule deer taken by poacher.Can someone fill me in on what all this talk about?
  14. Love2hunteverything

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

  15. Love2hunteverything

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Focus. He cant believe it and now it seems we must question it. Hmmmm. Hey where did his brother go?