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Everything posted by m1280

  1. m1280

    "Hunter" preparedness?

    i went out w/ azpackhorse on fri and we saw probably 4 or 5 hunters all were down low and one father/son that were low also. only one was sitting w/ tripod etc. but overall saw the same thing, dont know? they were all pushin deer for us though so we appreciated the help, ha! ha! ha!
  2. m1280

    NM Success (pics)

    awesome philosophy lark!! thanks, reminds me bout my father who grew up in eastern s.d. huntin and fishen. then went to vietnam and never picked up a gun again after his tour, still fishes though, and never once tried to keep me and my brother from huntin and hauled our buts all over wyoming so we could hunt!! thanks for makin me slow down and remember those good times and how much i agree w/ ya. my son turns 10 dec. 15 and i'm pretty jazzed thinkin bout haulin his butt around in persuit of this madness we have been afflicted with!!!
  3. m1280

    "Ranching for Wildlife"

    alright, i just got off the phone w/ g&f here in tucson and talked w/ tom whetten the information and education program mngr for tucson and this is what he said; the az g&f is biology managed and driven, not politcally managed, hence the director is appointed by the 5 commision members and not the govenor -napalireno- as lark would say. commision members are rolled yearly and if there is a problem he/she can only go to the commision and not the director. second, when the commision convenes ,once a month, no matter how absurd a topic is, when brought up it must be heard. as w/ any official meeting minutes are recorded and available ,as many of you know, on th az g&f website for your perusal. tom whetten told me that the idea is old hat and has been heard before and that thier focus and position is to NOT IMPLEMENT the idea of giving ranchers tags at face value and letting them profit from higher prices to the wealthy hunters and denying access to us joes and our kids. in the wake of the '10% ruling' this as well as many other 'suggestions' are heard and debated, so my 2 cents would be know who your officials are and read or attend the minutes/meetings as often as possible and spread the word gather the facts and let 'them' know that we are connected and we will be heard!! hope this helps. now bring on the dec hunt!
  4. m1280

    "Ranching for Wildlife"

    as of now there is strength in numbers, doesnt do any good to just read this crap(context) and complain, call the game and fish and vent!! thats why i live here and not in co. or nm. find out what you can do and lets act!!! i'm calling the game and fish to enlighten myself and will get back w/ what they say -mike-
  5. m1280

    Spring Results

    36's archery pig and some big ole carp for my son and I!!
  6. he should have been holdin his knife and then the onle thing left would be the drive to the butcher
  7. m1280

    az deer and CWD

    this one is for amanda or any other qulified users of this site, do you or the G&F suggest having your harvest tested prior to searin it on the grill. we took our animal to dickmans deli in tucson last year and an individual asked if he could take a cord sample from our animal, and of course we obliged. heres the tricky part how does one take a cord sample and then where do you take it if you plan on cuttin your own meat? to some this may be a funny question but i think it warrants some discussion. thanks for the time. -mike-
  8. m1280

    Bore sighting advice.

    also, for those boresighting at close range (say 25 yds), just like sighting a bow adjust opposite that you would if you were firing at 100 yds. i.e. when looking at the mailbox centered in your barrel then look through your scope and if the mailbox is low and left, adjust low and left for zero at close range and then hit the range and you should be 'on the paper @100yds, now yer ready to burn some powder!! good luck
  9. az packhorse, right now ,,99.9% sure we are a go! i'll get ya on the land line to sure up the details. i'm off monday so i think i will go to 36b and see how much dust was stirred up in the wake of the oct action
  10. heck, even if its a tailgate thing we should try to make this work!! and another thing, what were they thinkin? remodel?? , huntin season? packhorse is good for a bag of chips! i' ll bring a haf a sandwich and some trail mix, hope ya'll like spam!! -mike-
  11. m1280

    34b toad

  12. m1280

    34b toad

  13. m1280

    How we do it.

    wow, what do you say, awesome buck guys!! thanx for the story and pix keep em comin' -mike-
  14. way cool!! great pix scott, i'm goin out this w/e to assist as well, hope were as lucky! 36c
  15. the one thing that can compensate for "range" is shooting for a given zero then fire that weapon at that zero with the same bullet, start at 600 then 500 and so on even into 50 yds w/ a 200yd zero and know exactly what kind of performance your throwin out. if you understand the above, you can effectively take animals @600+ yds w/ a 6mm/243 type calibers, takes time and dedication especially when your dealin w/ coues size targets at long ranges. i'm sure plenty of you know this, but for those who dont maybe this will help. you dont need to have the big money guns to drive tacks, just practice and patience -mike-
  16. m1280

    Dec. dinner in Arivaca???

    yeseree, dec sounds good to me also, I know azpackhorse will be down there to. bring it up in dec. i'm game!!
  17. m1280


    bobo.......whatever, thats 36c, which hunt did you draw, clint? as I have read and researched the az game and fish website in hunting then unit reports is about as much info you will need, other than your glass, weapon, patience and luck
  18. m1280

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    ditto, I'll touch base w/ ya packhorse. I plan on takin son down that w/e and shakin a few new hands and to further the corruption, ha ha ha!!
  19. m1280

    az deer and CWD

    right on!!!
  20. any info on, or stories bout huntin the big three to kill time before, and in between, the rifle seasons? I'm itchen to burn some powder
  21. m1280

    Bow suggestions

    gnoto, I new there was a reason I liked you, i have the legacy and would agree!!
  22. gnoto, WHAT TIME? call the shot and azpackhorse and I will be there, free food for packin the wallhanger?? count me in, i'll cover the tip
  23. m1280

    az deer and CWD

    thanks all, for the responses. good luck , and stay safe
  24. what night are yall gonna have this this little wing ding, and is it a camo tie formal for the dress code? i could use the excuse to escape tucson for a night??? let us know
  25. m1280

    2004 Coues Hunts

    sorry bout that , stanley, what area did you draw